Fair Materials

We care about what we’re putting in our phones. That’s why we’re tracking where our phone’s parts come from and creating demand for materials that are better for people and planet.

The materials that go into your phone have an impact on people and the planet. We want to go straight to the source to make sure we’re creating positive change.

Why are we doing this?

Materials contained in your average smartphone originally enter the supply chain from the mining sector, a challenging industry in terms of sustainability. From pollution and extremely dangerous working conditions to child labor, a number of mining-related practices desperately require improvement. For more insight into the issues, please refer to the materials scoping matrix (below) we created with The Dragonfly Initiative.

Our approach

We’re making a positive change in materials supply chains by sourcing more responsibly mined materials, increasing our use of recycled materials and actively seeking partners who can help us achieve these goals. One material at a time, we’re working to increase industry and consumer awareness and incorporate better resources into our phones.

Featured projects (EN)

  • Industry first: Fairtrade gold certification

    Gold is one of our key focus materials - an essential, but problematic material for the electronics industry.

    Read all about it
  • In-depth: Materials scoping study

    We started by looking at which materials are most used by the consumer electronics industry and how critical they are for phone functionality.

    Read the report
  • Precious materials: From the earth to your phone

    How do we go from sourcing materials to the assembly of the actual phone? Find out in one of our earliest blog articles.

    Learn more

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