
Good Working Conditions

5,000 Fairphones sold! Let’s start production!

Good Working Conditions

YES! We did it!

YOU got us to our 5,000 milestone…and counting! Let’s celebrate!

By sharing our message, following our story, and buying the Fairphone, you are part of the group that shows there’s a demand for products that are concerned and accountable for social and environmental impact. Still, this is just the beginning. Step-by-step we’re making a change with the status quo, and the usual way of developing our products. Thanks for opening up the system to help us work toward our goals. Now do a little dance with us!

But what does the 5,000 really mean? That we can now start production! Specifically that means, we can make a sizable down payment to really start the development process that leads to production, and move onwards with all our plans with software/hardware development, work on our support center, and so on. You know – everything in this video!


We’re so happy that we got to our goal with NINE days left, and we know you took a risk by investing in Fairphone. You are part of the first group that made all this possible, so I want to say a big THANK YOU and also tell you a little more about the special edition phone.

Well, actually…I have to be a tease. I can only say a little about it as we want you to see for yourself when your phone arrives. Since our philosophy is that we need to open up stuff, our phones, our systems – I can say that our committed group of initial kickstarters will get a special message – but they have to open up their phones to find it. Think: „open it up, own it, and show off that you’re part of the first who started this movement for change.“ This special edition is for you guys, the first group of movers and shakers.

*Ah yes, and this special edition still applies to any phones pre-ordered in our campaign period before June 14! So you, your mom, aunt, uncle, colleague, or best friend can still be a part of this limited edition!

Fairphone Design BootcampBut what’s next? It’s not over! This first push-off of 5,000 was just the beginning, an extremely vital foundation to the work the Fairphone team and the community will do to create technology that really matters.

We’ve said it before: We’re more than a phone. We’re a movement! And by taking this risk, and putting down 325 euros, you’ve shown there’s a group of people that want to shake up the industry and do something new. Now we have to look onward to the big picture of our 20,000 production run. Yep, that’s 15,000 more phones we gotta sell. But importantly, you all were the catalyst to get this whole thing moving. Again, thank you!! We’re here for the long-haul, so we will continue to be open for sales and finding ways to tell you the story behind how your phone is made!

Pre-orders are still open. Please keep sharing our message and our videos online, and stay in the loop via our social media (FB and Twitter).

And of course, once we come to June 14 and this first campaign period ends – we hope you’ll join us for a toast, wherever you are, as we celebrate in Amsterdam.

Until then, thanks again! Buy a phone, start a movement!

*This blog post was revised from its original form. I/Joe changed it to clarify questions about the difference between „development“ and „production.“ Yes, the 5,000 ensures we will go into production and MAKE a full batch of 20,000 phones. This also requires development (that has been in progress, but can continue throughout the summer). Then assembly begins in late Summer for Fall delivery. Hope that’s clear!

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