35,000 Phones in Second Batch

We’re making 35,000 more Fairphones!

A couple weeks ago, we asked you all, our faithful blog readers, and those on our 2nd batch buyers’ list how serious you were about buying a Fairphone. And the response was overwhelming! Based on your feedback, we’re excited to confirm that we’re producing 35,000 more Fairphones. We’re hoping to keep our community of Fairphone Owners growing for everyone who missed out on the first batch or has only recently learned about Fairphone.

Order your Fairphone from mid-May

We’ll start taking orders for the second batch of Fairphones in the middle of May.

You can order directly online at this time in mid-may. (Top Secret: when our new website launches!).

Just like the first batch, your order helps support our ongoing projects, the production of the phones themselves, and helps us keep our independence as a social enterprise. Practically speaking, that means a time span of 6 to 12 weeks between when you order (and pay) and when you actually receive your phone. As a reminder, this year’s Fairphone will be shipping only to Europe, and is priced at €310, including VAT. The 2nd batch of Fairphones is nearly identical to the 1st batch, except for an upgraded chipset. T (See the tech specs for more information.)

I want one! What can I do in the meantime?

If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for our 2nd batch mailing list. Everyone on this list will be alerted as soon as the Fairphones go on sale – first-come, first-served. And if you’re already on the list, then help us make some noise! Let your friends, colleagues and social media buddies know that Fairphone is producing a 2nd batch, the only Fairphone we sell this year. After you’ve done all that, we’re afraid you’ll just have to be patient for a few more weeks. We’ll keep you updated as soon as there’s more to tell.

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