Creating a community

Many Fairphoners are essentially extensions of our enterprise, sharing knowledge outside of the immediate Fairphone community, solving technical issues for other users, or building operating systems. It’s the mission behind the phone that brings people into the community; it’s the future inspired by the phone that keeps them here.

A community-led program – The Fairphone Angels

Fairphone Angels are truly heaven-sent. These extremely active community members took the initiative to create a special network of super-helpers who offer assistance to Fairphoners in their local area. Their hard work is helping us to build local networks and to spread the word about the power of longevity, all while assisting the Fairphone Support team with updates, repairs or simply showing people how to make the most of their phones.

“It’s a small skill-sharing network of dedicated community members, who offer to serve as a contact person in their town or region.”
Stefan, Vienna Fairphone Angel

Austrian Fairphone Community at Südwind Straßenfest 2018, Vienna.

How to get in touch with a Fairphone Angel

You simply need to locate the Angels that are closest to you and contact them via e-mail. They will then try to give you tips and can organize to meet up with you to solve your problem if necessary. The existing Angels can be found on the Community Map. Alternatively, find a list of all the Fairphone Angels here.

Meet and greet with local Fairphoners

The community meet-ups are a great place to have a first Fairphone experience – if you are not an owner already, or discover all the tips in using your new Fairphone.  The meetups are also a great way to share the latest news, opinions on how we can change the electronics industry for the better with other community members.

We encourage you to click the ‘Meetups and Events’ check-box on the Community Map to find out the latest get-togethers planned by our amazing community. Found one in your city? Join! You will always be welcomed.

Local Fairphone Community meet-up.

For all other Fairphone events, make sure to check out our Events page here.

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