

Give your eyes a break with this one simple trick.


Have you heard of the 20-20-2 rule? With our increasingly digital lifestyles, chances are your eyes need a break. The 20-20-2 rule is designed to do exactly that.

Recent data shows that people all around the world spend approximately six and a half hours every day looking at screens connected to the internet. Gen Z takes it up a notch, with teens averaging more than eight hours and tweens hitting five and a half hours every day.

That isn’t easy on the eyes at all. 

Globally, there has been a drastic increase in myopia, or nearsightedness, over the last two decades, especially among children. Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a condition where distant objects appear blurry because light entering the eye focuses in front of the retina instead of directly on it. With our increasingly digital lifestyles, here are some factors that can be held responsible for the sharp uptick in rising myopia prevalence.

  1. Prolonged Near Work: Extended use of screens for activities like reading, gaming, or working may increase the risk of myopia or worsen its progression. The eye remains in a state of prolonged near focus, which could contribute to axial elongation (a physical change linked to myopia).
  2. Reduced Outdoor Time: Studies show that spending less time outdoors correlates with a higher risk of developing myopia. Natural light and the ability to focus on distant objects outdoors are protective factors.
  3. Screen Distance: Holding screens too close to the eyes (less than 30-40 cm) increases strain and may elevate the risk of developing or worsening myopia.
  4. Lack of Breaks: Continuous screen use without regular breaks increases the risk of eye strain.
  5. Posture and Lighting: Poor posture and inadequate lighting during screen use can also indirectly contribute to visual discomfort and strain, which may aggravate myopia progression.

According to the World Economic Forum, the global prevalence of myopia is projected to rise to 50% of the world population by 2050, partly due to increased near work and screen exposure. In another study reported by The Guardian, nearly three-quarters of children spend less than one hour outside each day, with about 20% not going outside at all on a regular basis. To put that in perspective, children are spending less time outdoors than prison inmates, who receive „at least one hour of suitable exercise in the open air daily“, as mandated by UN guidelines. So what can we do to deal with this issue? That’s where the 20-20-2 rule comes in.

What is the 20-20-2 rule?

This simple rule can make a world of difference to eye health, especially with kids.  

One, after 20 minutes of near work, children should gaze at objects in the distance for at least 20 seconds. Research also shows that children must avoid working distances of less than 12 inches (30 cm) for longer than 20 minutes.

Secondly, they should also be outside intermittently for at least two hours per day. Outdoor light exposure, especially during childhood, is crucial as it can trigger the release of retinal dopamine, slowing down and preventing myopic development. Your pupils are also more constricted outdoors, causing a greater depth of field and less image blur, resulting in less myopic stimulus.

Other things you can do is ensure proper screen ergonomics when using your smartphone. Maintain an arm’s length from your device screen. Keep your phone under eye level. Make sure your room is well-lit, to reduce glare and contrast from screens. Speaking of glare, invest in a blue-light filter for your phone (like this one for the Fairphone 5) to reduce the strain on your eyes. When it comes to kids, set age-appropriate screen time limits and make sure they are spending more time outdoors every day. What’s age appropriate? The WHO recommends zero screen time up to the age of two at least, ideally three years old. After that, children should not be watching screens for more than one hour a day. 

With the new year here, it’s the perfect time to start using the 20-20-2 rule in your life. You will see the difference for yourself. Let’s make 2025 the year for better screen behavior.

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