• Lasst uns über Smartphone-Innovationen sprechen

    Lasst uns über Smartphone-Innovationen sprechen

    Liebe Smartphone-Branche, ich denke es ist an der Zeit, dass wir eine ehrliche Diskussion über eines der Leitmotive dieser Branche führen. Lasst uns über “Innovation” sprechen. Jetzt, da sich die Welt gefühlt langsamer dreht, hatte ich etwas Zeit, um über dieses Thema nachzudenken. Und ehrlich gesagt glaube ich, dass wir ...

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  • Research spotlight: How much does a miner earn?

    Research spotlight: How much does a miner earn?

    Long before we made a single phone, Fairphone was working to better understand and improve mineral supply chains. Many years and three phones later, we’re still focusing on our mission of driving important materials projects and pioneering research that has a positive impact on how materials are sourced, used ...

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  • Datensicherheit dank /e/OS

    Datensicherheit dank /e/OS

    Wir freuen uns, unsere neue Partnerschaft mit der /e/ Foundation für ein Open-Source Betriebssystem ankündigen zu können, bei dem die Privatsphäre der Nutzer im Mittelpunkt steht. Die /e/ Foundation ist ein internationales Non-Profit Projekt mit der Mission, die Privatsphäre aller Nutzer zu gewährleisten. Als wir die Fairphone-Community dazu aufgefordert haben, ...

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  • An opportunity to reimagine our world, and our place in it

    An opportunity to reimagine our world, and our place in it

    During the past months, as our worlds have become smaller, and our routines have been reduced to what we can accomplish within the confines of our homes, it appears that many of us have had an abundance of one thing: time to think. And those with a public platform – ...

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  • #stayconnected: Put down your phone

    #stayconnected: Put down your phone

    For a series titled „stay connected,“ the following article might seem a bit counterintuitive, but bear with me. Before the lockdown began, my daily screentime clocked in at about three hours; That’s close to an entire day per week, more than three days a month and at the end ...

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  • #stayconnected: Long-distance grandparenting

    #stayconnected: Long-distance grandparenting

    I had been looking forward to visiting my grandma up north for weeks. We’d been exchanging texts and images, anticipating having a chat and a laugh, after not seeing each other for quite some time. But in a matter of days, like everyone else, we saw the world change around ...

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  • Nähe trotz Entfernung: Fairphone verbindet

    Nähe trotz Entfernung: Fairphone verbindet

    In schweren Zeiten suche ich oft das Gespräch mit meiner Großmutter. Meinen Sorgen begegnet sie normalerweise mit überzeugender Besonnenheit: „Das Leben geht weiter“, sagt sie dann und ich glaube es ihr aufs Wort. Eigentlich wollte ich sie über Ostern besuchen, doch innerhalb weniger Tage sahen wir, wie sich die Welt ...

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  • A message from our CEO Eva Gouwens

    A message from our CEO Eva Gouwens

    In these tense and uncertain times, I want to extend warm wishes to each of you in the Fairphone community. Every day, the situation evolves, and so many of the things we once took for granted have now been put on hold. But even as this coronavirus spreads across the ...

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  • A green new deal for electronics?

    A green new deal for electronics?

    As an industrial designer by training, and circular innovation lead here at Fairphone, the words “new stuff” have always felt taboo for me. I want the world to embrace the power of circularity, to make the most out of what we already have – not just keep producing more ...

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