• How sustainable is the Fairphone 3?

    How sustainable is the Fairphone 3?

    At Fairphone, our dedication to change means a dedication to measurement. We’ve just completed the life cycle assessment on the Fairphone 3, and we’re humble-proud to present our results. As with the Fairphone 2, we turned to the independent experts at the Fraunhofer Institute IZM to examine the phone’s lifelong ...

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  • Meet the changemakers: Fairphone Ambassador Pascal Egli

    Meet the changemakers: Fairphone Ambassador Pascal Egli

    We’re on a journey to change the electronics industry – and we’re not alone. While the Fairphone is a physical expression of the possibility of change, it also happens to be a great storytelling device that connects us with inspiring changemakers from all over. In this series, we want to ...

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  • Digging for change

    Digging for change

    Part two of a guest feature by  David Sturmes, Director of Programme and Operations at the Impact Facility. In 2018 Fairphone has partnered with global lighting company Signify, the Chinese cobalt refiner Huayou Cobalt and the Impact Facility (TIF), a social business dedicated to improving the livelihoods of artisanal miners ...

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  • The charged debate around cobalt

    The charged debate around cobalt

    Part one of a guest feature by  David Sturmes, Director of Programme and Operations at the Impact Facility. Few if any minerals have polarised the public as much as cobalt. The battery metal allows us to store energy more efficiently, stabilizing batteries and allowing frequent recharging – an essential attribute ...

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  • Let’s make fair, sustainable mining the new normal

    Let’s make fair, sustainable mining the new normal

    It’s been just over three months since the spread of COVID-19 turned Fairphone’s Amsterdam headquarters into a virtual workspace. But as I write this from the privilege and comfort of my home, that change feels tiny within the bigger picture. As part of the Fairphone Impact Innovation team, I ...

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  • Building a breakthrough for Fairphone 2

    Building a breakthrough for Fairphone 2

    Software is the unsung hero of longer-lasting devices. Software updates slay bugs, shield you from viruses, and help protect you from the marauding hordes that want your personal data. To keep an old phone going, you want the most recent, most well-equipped operating system you can get. Our goal is ...

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  • Lasst uns über Smartphone-Innovationen sprechen

    Lasst uns über Smartphone-Innovationen sprechen

    Liebe Smartphone-Branche, ich denke es ist an der Zeit, dass wir eine ehrliche Diskussion über eines der Leitmotive dieser Branche führen. Lasst uns über “Innovation” sprechen. Jetzt, da sich die Welt gefühlt langsamer dreht, hatte ich etwas Zeit, um über dieses Thema nachzudenken. Und ehrlich gesagt glaube ich, dass wir ...

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  • Research spotlight: How much does a miner earn?

    Research spotlight: How much does a miner earn?

    Long before we made a single phone, Fairphone was working to better understand and improve mineral supply chains. Many years and three phones later, we’re still focusing on our mission of driving important materials projects and pioneering research that has a positive impact on how materials are sourced, used ...

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  • Datensicherheit dank /e/OS

    Datensicherheit dank /e/OS

    Wir freuen uns, unsere neue Partnerschaft mit der /e/ Foundation für ein Open-Source Betriebssystem ankündigen zu können, bei dem die Privatsphäre der Nutzer im Mittelpunkt steht. Die /e/ Foundation ist ein internationales Non-Profit Projekt mit der Mission, die Privatsphäre aller Nutzer zu gewährleisten. Als wir die Fairphone-Community dazu aufgefordert haben, ...

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