• Fairphone Meets London: Pop-Up Space

    Fairphone Meets London: Pop-Up Space

    After a quick two weeks since our Pop-Up Space event in London, we’ve been able to catch our breath and share some outcomes of what we did there – and we made a film! Although we usually have longer blog posts, in this one we’ll be brief with a ...

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  • Guest Blog: The Restart Project on FP Repairability

    Guest Blog: The Restart Project on FP Repairability

    Editor’s Note: What’s the „repairability“ of the first Fairphone? In this guest post, Ugo Valluari, co-founder of The Restart Project, discusses his team’s analysis and teardown of an early prototype. Keep in mind – within the constraints of our first-year funding model, we selected and licensed an existing design ...

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  • Fairphone Operating System

    Fairphone Operating System

    This week, in the midst of our Fairphone Pop-Up Space in London, I’d like to share with you the story and design behind our Android-based Fairphone operating system (OS). It’s a topic that a lot of you are interested in as I’ve been hearing a lot of feedback via ...

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  • First Fairphone Cost Breakdown

    First Fairphone Cost Breakdown

    At last! The long-awaited, much-hyped „Cost Breakdown“. Never heard of it? Well, good. We’ve got plenty of information in this blog post to introduce you to this new idea we want to share with you: a detailed cost breakdown of your Fairphone. Our phone launching end of this year ...

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  • Fairphone Pop-Up Space: London

    Fairphone Pop-Up Space: London

    Will we see you in London next week!? At Fairphone our goal is to open up the systems to discover how our products are made. Lofty goal – but we’re doing it step-by-step when building our own smartphone. So even though our prototype isn’t our finished product, we know that ...

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  • Production Update: Delivery Timeline

    Production Update: Delivery Timeline

    Introduction Time for a big update, guys! In this blog post, I’ll be outlining what we’ve been up to in-office over the summer directly after our pre-order campaign ended June 14, to where we are now, and into the months ahead before the phone will be delivered to our beloved ...

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  • Social Responsibility: Introducing TAOS Network

    Social Responsibility: Introducing TAOS Network

    Editor’s Note: At this point in our production process, Fairphone has chosen an independent, third-party social assessment organization to perform an assessment with our factory, A’Hong. In the following blog post, we’ve asked the founder of TAOS to explain their vision for corporate responsibility as this process is undertaken. ...

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  • What’s in a Life-Cycle Assessment?

    What’s in a Life-Cycle Assessment?

    I suppose some (or most!) of you are concerned about the environmental issues related to the shiny, cool Fairphone-to-be, right? Some of you have already showed specific interest in our carbon, water, or ecological footprint. So I want to take the opportunity to give you an update about what’s ...

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  • Transparency: a Mission and a Challenge

    Transparency: a Mission and a Challenge

    If you’ve been living under a Fairphone-less rock: Fairphone’s mission is to change the relationship between people and their products, and our vision is an economy based on fairer principles. We’ve chosen to achieve this by making a phone, because we believe that by opening up the supply chain, ...

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