• Behind The Screens – A Fairphone Documentary

    Behind The Screens – A Fairphone Documentary

    Fairphone & Waterbear present „Behind the Screens“. Unveil the truth behind your screen with this immersive documentary, exposing the reality of creating our most personal devices. Join the movement to disrupt the smartphone industry and create a more sustainable future, one phone at a time.  Waterbear and Fairphone Present ‚Behind ...

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  • Own your Fairbuds XL sound with the StudioEQ preset

    Own your Fairbuds XL sound with the StudioEQ preset

    It has been three months since we launched the Fairbuds XL and we couldn’t be prouder. It’s been heartwarming to see the positive responses to the first audio product that we’ve developed from scratch to ensure it truly embodies everything that we stand for! However, it’s still early days ...

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  • Eva steps down, Noud to be interim CEO

    Eva steps down, Noud to be interim CEO

    Update: August 25, 2023: Starting on September 1, 2023, Fairphone’s CFO and Managing Director, Noud Tillemans, will be stepping in as Interim CEO. As a long-standing member of the Management Team, Noud will be leading Fairphone through the transitory period and will cooperate with the Supervisory Board and new ...

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  • Fairphone is the first company to pilot Fairmined Gold credits

    Fairphone is the first company to pilot Fairmined Gold credits

    Through our Fairmined gold credits pilot with Alliance for Responsible Mining (ARM) we celebrate multiple wins alongside contributing to the social and environmental progress of the Fairmined certified mining cooperative La Gabriela in Colombia.   Win for responsible miners: Since 2016, Fairphone has been working hard to connect responsible ASM gold to ...

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  • Sticking with Cobalt Blue

    Sticking with Cobalt Blue

    A call upon the industry to engage more – not less! – in ASM cobalt mining. Seven years after Amnesty International’s report “This is what we die for”, cobalt mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is again in the headlines, with a focus on the continuous dangers and ...

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  • Key information for Fairphone Crowdfunders and the Investment

    Key information for Fairphone Crowdfunders and the Investment

    These documents help you better understand the risks, costs, and returns of the investment. Crowd Notification AFM information document AFM informatiedocument – Dutch Subscription Agreement Fairphone BV – annual report 2021 including signed auditor’s report  

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  • Software-Support Fairphone 2 endet 2023

    Software-Support Fairphone 2 endet 2023

    Liebe Freunde, es ist an der Zeit. *Trommelwirbel* Nach sagenhaften sieben Jahren Support unseres geliebten Fairphone 2 werden wir den Software-Support für das Fairphone 2 endgültig einstellen. Nach März 2023 werden wir keine weiteren Software-Updates für das Fairphone 2 liefern. Dies ist ein bittersüßer Moment für uns: Das Fairphone 2 ...

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  • A message from our CEO

    A message from our CEO

    Dear all, I’m reaching out to share some tough news with you. It’s something that’s been weighing on my mind, and – led by one of our core values – it’s important to be transparent about it. We recently discovered that two employees privately received commission payments from a third-party ...

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  • Vergleich von Earbuds mit anderen Kopfhörern

    Vergleich von Earbuds mit anderen Kopfhörern

    Unterwegs Musik hören oder freihändig telefonieren: Kopfhörer können sehr praktisch sein. Aber welche Kopfhörerart passt am besten zu dir? In diesem Blog erfährst du alles über Earbuds, On-Ear-, Over-Ear- und In-Ear-Kopfhörer. On-Ear- vs. Over-Ear-Kopfhörer: der Unterschied Wenn es um Kopfhörer geht, gibt es grob zwei Arten, sie zu tragen: Over-Ear und ...

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