• The Fairphone 4 Camera Refresh: Before and After

    The Fairphone 4 Camera Refresh: Before and After

    We spent a day cruising through Amsterdam to get a good feel for the before and after of the Fairphone 4 camera upgrade IRL. As you can see, much fun was had. Check it out. Spoiler alert: Photos are richer, sharper, and more true to life with better contrast, while ...

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  • 10 Tipps für bessere Smartphone-Fotos

    10 Tipps für bessere Smartphone-Fotos

    Vor zwei Wochen haben wir euch das Fairphone 4 nochmal ganz neu vorgestellt, diesmal mit einer deutlich verbesserten Kamera. Durch schnelleres Auslösen, bessere Bilder bei schlechten Lichtverhältnissen und einen reaktiven Autofokus fühlt sich das Fairphone 4 wie eine brandneue Kamera an. Fotos sind intensiver, schärfer, lebensechter und kontrastreicher. Videos ...

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  • We won a GLOMO at MWC ’24… and more

    We won a GLOMO at MWC ’24… and more

    We couldn’t have asked for a better ending at this year’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. As a Fairphone supporter, you’ll be happy to know that we just won a GLOMO for ‘Best Mobile Innovation for Climate Action’! Judged by prominent experts in the mobile sector, making it to ...

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  • Das Ist Neu Am Fairphone 4

    Das Ist Neu Am Fairphone 4

    Wir haben dem Fairphone 4 ein revolutionäres neues Kamera-Update verpasst – und darauf sind wir mächtig stolz. Während die meisten Smartphone-Hersteller ihre früheren Modelle gerne in der Versenkung verschwinden lassen, damit nur noch die neuesten Produkte im Rampenlicht stehen, beweisen wir mit dem Software-Upgrade für das Fairphone 4, wie ...

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  • Managing your Digital Wellbeing 101

    Managing your Digital Wellbeing 101

    Nomophobia (n) Fear of not having mobile phone connectivity. It can cause panic or anxiety for the person experiencing it. It’s ironic how when mobile phones first made their appearance, their biggest selling point used to be about staying connected all the time. And now, we have crossed over to the ...

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  • Have you seen the schematics for the Fairphone 5?

    Have you seen the schematics for the Fairphone 5?

    It’s been less than six months since we released the Fairphone 5. Which seems like a fairly short window for an electronics manufacturer to come out with full blueprints for their flagship device.  Wait a minute.  Are we the only ones releasing schematics at all? via GIPHY Well, there you have it. ...

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  • 10 Lessons We Learned in 2023

    10 Lessons We Learned in 2023

    No two years are the same when you’re trying to shake things up like we are. But 2023 really was a special one. It marked a decade of change, a decade of challenging the status quo and defining the new normal for the electronics industry. We’ve always known it ...

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  • MyFairphone App: Keep your Fairphone future-proof

    MyFairphone App: Keep your Fairphone future-proof

    Back in 2020, we launched the My Fairphone app, giving you direct access to various tools to troubleshoot your device, help from our support team at the tap of a button, discussions with the Fairphone community, and gamified challenges for a more sustainable lifestyle. With the recent launch of ...

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  • Celebrating 10 Years of Fairphone

    Celebrating 10 Years of Fairphone

    Ten years ago, they said fairer phones were impossible. Well, look at us now! In this decade, our community grew from 25.000 to over 400.000 – and we’ve already done so much together. But there are still so many people we want to reach out to. Let’s kick off our ...

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