• Is the Fairphone 5 the most sustainable phone in the world?

    Is the Fairphone 5 the most sustainable phone in the world?

    After two years of designing and prototyping and endless development meetings, I am immensely proud to finally unveil to the world the brand new Fairphone 5. The team at Fairphone has spent countless hours to bring our latest flagship to life, making it faster, thinner, but more importantly, fairer ...

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  • Fairphone is the first company to pilot Fairmined Gold credits

    Fairphone is the first company to pilot Fairmined Gold credits

    Through our Fairmined gold credits pilot with Alliance for Responsible Mining (ARM) we celebrate multiple wins alongside contributing to the social and environmental progress of the Fairmined certified mining cooperative La Gabriela in Colombia.   Win for responsible miners: Since 2016, Fairphone has been working hard to connect responsible ASM gold to ...

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  • Sticking with Cobalt Blue

    Sticking with Cobalt Blue

    A call upon the industry to engage more – not less! – in ASM cobalt mining. Seven years after Amnesty International’s report “This is what we die for”, cobalt mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is again in the headlines, with a focus on the continuous dangers and ...

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  • Die Materialien machen das Smartphone: Wie wird ein Handy hergestellt?

    Die Materialien machen das Smartphone: Wie wird ein Handy hergestellt?

    Für Fairphone bedeutet Innovation nicht nur bessere technische Spezifikationen oder ausgefeiltere Benutzungserfahrungen, sondern auch grundlegende Veränderungen im Geschäftsbetrieb. Deshalb möchten wir transparent machen, wie unsere Telefone hergestellt werden und woher die Rohstoffe für unsere Produkte kommen. Wie werden Smartphones hergestellt? Die Materialien für Smartphones kommen von überall her, viele der Rohstoffe ...

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  • Five years of responsible gold

    Five years of responsible gold

    For the past five years, Fairphone has been an active participant in a broad coalition within the Dutch gold sector aimed at ensuring greater respect for human rights, the environment and biodiversity in the gold value chain. This “gold covenant” was spearheaded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs ...

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  • Digging deep for responsible aluminum

    Digging deep for responsible aluminum

    You probably don’t think about aluminum a lot. We do – it’s one of our 14 focus materials. But we really dug deep when we decided the Fairphone 4 was going to have an aluminum case rather than plastic. And it turns out, aluminum is really interesting. Start with this: ...

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  • We’ve scaled Fairtrade gold

    We’ve scaled Fairtrade gold

    We have paved the way to source more Fairtrade gold! Together with Fairtrade, we have partnered with Hirose Electric Co., Ltd. in Japan in order to integrate more Fairtrade gold into our supply chain. Our relationship with Hirose and Fairtrade continues our support of ASM gold projects and miners. ...

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  • Fair Tungsten: From conflict-free to building community

    Fair Tungsten: From conflict-free to building community

    Studies show we’re making an impact in Rwanda In the north of Rwanda, near the city of Kidao, one of the country’s oldest tungsten mines is proving us right. Fairphone started out as a campaign to prove the phone industry could stop using materials that finance conflict and human rights abuses. ...

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  • Fairphone stepping up on fair lithium

    Fairphone stepping up on fair lithium

    Here at Fairphone we have joined and are members of several sustainable and ethical initiatives that address both social and environmental issues. From being B Corp certified to receiving a gold certification from Fairtrade, we always strive for excellence. More recently, we have become a member of IRMA (Initiative ...

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