• Fairphone in the news: Best of 2020

    Fairphone in the news: Best of 2020

    At Fairphone, we spend lots of our time sharing our story with the world… So sometimes it’s nice to sit back and let someone else do the talking. Want to see what others are saying about Fairphone? Despite the curveballs thrown this year, 2020 was a year of continued growth ...

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  • Datensicherheit dank /e/OS

    Datensicherheit dank /e/OS

    Wir freuen uns, unsere neue Partnerschaft mit der /e/ Foundation für ein Open-Source Betriebssystem ankündigen zu können, bei dem die Privatsphäre der Nutzer im Mittelpunkt steht. Die /e/ Foundation ist ein internationales Non-Profit Projekt mit der Mission, die Privatsphäre aller Nutzer zu gewährleisten. Als wir die Fairphone-Community dazu aufgefordert haben, ...

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  • A message from our CEO Eva Gouwens

    A message from our CEO Eva Gouwens

    In these tense and uncertain times, I want to extend warm wishes to each of you in the Fairphone community. Every day, the situation evolves, and so many of the things we once took for granted have now been put on hold. But even as this coronavirus spreads across the ...

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  • Show your Fairphone some love with brand new accessories

    Show your Fairphone some love with brand new accessories

    If you bought Fairphone 3, you probably noticed that the only thing in the box was the phone. No charger. No cables. No little extras. And we do that on purpose – to cut down on e-waste and encourage you to use what you already own. But maybe you lost ...

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  • Meet the Makers: The people behind your Fairphone

    Meet the Makers: The people behind your Fairphone

    I’d like to introduce you to just a few of the people who make the Fairphone 3: Xu Shang Chao, Li Su Fang, and Zhao Hui Li. They all work at Arima (our final assembly partner) in China. A Fairphone isn’t just another product: it is the people that make ...

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  • Fairphone in the news: Best of 2019

    Fairphone in the news: Best of 2019

    At Fairphone, we spend lots of our time sharing our story with the world… So sometimes it’s nice to sit back and let someone else do the talking. Want to see what others are saying about Fairphone? Have a look at some of our favorite press coverage from 2019. The ...

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  • Stuff we’ve done in 2019 that you should care about

    Stuff we’ve done in 2019 that you should care about

    It’s been quite the year at Fairphone! We’ve got lots of big plans for the months ahead, but before we focus on the future, I’d like to look back and share a few of the highlights from the past 12 months. Revealing our new phone to the world One of the ...

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  • Cobalt mining: It’s time to face the facts and invest in making improvements

    Cobalt mining: It’s time to face the facts and invest in making improvements

    This week, US-based human rights firm International Rights Advocates filed a lawsuit accusing major international manufacturers of profiting from the labor of children working in dangerous, and sometimes deadly, conditions in cobalt mines in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). An article in the Guardian summarizes the scope ...

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  • Teaming up with Vodafone

    Teaming up with Vodafone

    With every phone we make and sell, with every industry partner that follows our example, with every customer who starts a conversation about what makes their phone fair, we take another step forward in our quest for a fairer electronics industry. Our first challenge was to prove you can make ...

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