• Das Ist Neu Am Fairphone 4

    Das Ist Neu Am Fairphone 4

    Wir haben dem Fairphone 4 ein revolutionäres neues Kamera-Update verpasst – und darauf sind wir mächtig stolz. Während die meisten Smartphone-Hersteller ihre früheren Modelle gerne in der Versenkung verschwinden lassen, damit nur noch die neuesten Produkte im Rampenlicht stehen, beweisen wir mit dem Software-Upgrade für das Fairphone 4, wie ...

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  • Have you seen the schematics for the Fairphone 5?

    Have you seen the schematics for the Fairphone 5?

    It’s been less than six months since we released the Fairphone 5. Which seems like a fairly short window for an electronics manufacturer to come out with full blueprints for their flagship device.  Wait a minute.  Are we the only ones releasing schematics at all? via GIPHY Well, there you have it. ...

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  • 10 Lessons We Learned in 2023

    10 Lessons We Learned in 2023

    No two years are the same when you’re trying to shake things up like we are. But 2023 really was a special one. It marked a decade of change, a decade of challenging the status quo and defining the new normal for the electronics industry. We’ve always known it ...

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  • „The Fairphone experiment is changing the tech industry.“

    „The Fairphone experiment is changing the tech industry.“

    That’s what iFixit founder and CEO Kyle Wiens thinks after tracking Fairphone’s journey over the last ten years. Read what he has to say about Fairphone’s transformative impact on the industry, from the Fairphone 1 to the Fairphone 5.  It’s been almost ten years since Fairphone launched an important experiment: ...

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  • Six ways to make your headphones sound better

    Six ways to make your headphones sound better

    So you bought a new pair of headphones, but you feel there’s something missing in the sound. Or maybe you feel your existing pair isn’t delivering the same zing it did when you first got them. Either way, there are a few hacks you can use to get them ...

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  • The Fairphone 5 scores a perfect 10 on iFixit

    The Fairphone 5 scores a perfect 10 on iFixit

    We are thrilled to announce that the Fairphone 5 has received a 10/10 on iFixit’s repairability scale – the highest possible score! Our latest Fairphone device, released in August 2023, joins the ranks of the Fairphone 2, Fairphone 3 and Fairphone 4, as the only smartphones in the world ...

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  • Repairing the Fairphone 4

    Repairing the Fairphone 4

    Getting stuck carrying out repairs on your Fairphone 4? Here’s a list of easy-to-follow DIY repair videos to get your Fairphone 4 back online at a 100% in a few minutes. The Fairphone 4 is sustainable, long-lasting, and fair. It’s sustainable because of how it’s made and what’s inside. ...

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  • 8 Tips To Keep Your Phone Running Like New

    8 Tips To Keep Your Phone Running Like New

    We’re halfway through Longevity Month, and we thought this would be the ideal time to drop some knowledge on how to make your phone last longer. Not just Fairphones, but any device. Of course, there are a few tips here or there that only apply to Fairphones, since we’re ...

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  • The Fairphone 4 is going to save lives

    The Fairphone 4 is going to save lives

    Did you know that 830 women die from preventable causes related to pregnancy on a daily basis? 99% of these deaths happen in developing countries because of a lack of access to ultrasound technology. Ultrasound scans can help reduce pregnancy risks by assessing gestational age, identifying multiple fetuses, evaluating ...

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