• Defining Sustainable (Choices): Can We Rely on Certification?

    Defining Sustainable (Choices): Can We Rely on Certification?

    Almost one year ago, one week before opening the pre-sales, Bas shared our road map to a „fairer phone.“ As you all know by now, the pillars in this road map focus on creating a more sustainable value chain in five action areas: precious minerals, made with care, smart ...

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  • Fairphone, the next steps – from 2013 to 2014

    Fairphone, the next steps – from 2013 to 2014

    [Editor’s Note: We’ve got news to share. After finishing the delivery of our first batch of Fairphones from December and January, we’re looking ahead to 2014. I sat down with Bas to go over some of the common questions we get from our community, and want to share our ...

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  • "We Are Fairphone" – Kicks Off!

    "We Are Fairphone" – Kicks Off!

    By the time you read this, over one thousand (1,000) of the first Fairphones will be on their way across Europe. What?! How? Well, there was a small chance that a few phones would be delivered just before the Christmas holiday, and we did it! We’re happy to announce a – ...

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  • Production Photo Blog

    Production Photo Blog

    Editor’s Note: In this blog post, Mulan has put together a collection of photos with Miquel and Bibi, to document the final stages of production. Here we’ll outline 1) the pre-assembly period, 2) putting all the components and materials together on to the final phone. The last step of ...

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  • Made with Care: Social Assessment Report

    Made with Care: Social Assessment Report

    In our earlier blogs on choosing and selecting a production partner, I discussed how Fairphone wants to take a different approach in our relationships with production partners. Fairphone feels strongly that the relationship we build with our suppliers will be the foundation on which we make interventions. Thanks to ...

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  • Production Update: Delivery Schedule

    Production Update: Delivery Schedule

    If you’re reading this, we can assume you have some interest in the Fairphone. Even more so, quite a lot of you have purchased the phone and by now can’t wait to hear more about delivery. You deserve a production update! We like to keep our blog open for all ...

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  • First Fairphone Cost Breakdown

    First Fairphone Cost Breakdown

    At last! The long-awaited, much-hyped „Cost Breakdown“. Never heard of it? Well, good. We’ve got plenty of information in this blog post to introduce you to this new idea we want to share with you: a detailed cost breakdown of your Fairphone. Our phone launching end of this year ...

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  • Fairphone Pop-Up Space: London

    Fairphone Pop-Up Space: London

    Will we see you in London next week!? At Fairphone our goal is to open up the systems to discover how our products are made. Lofty goal – but we’re doing it step-by-step when building our own smartphone. So even though our prototype isn’t our finished product, we know that ...

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  • Transparency: a Mission and a Challenge

    Transparency: a Mission and a Challenge

    If you’ve been living under a Fairphone-less rock: Fairphone’s mission is to change the relationship between people and their products, and our vision is an economy based on fairer principles. We’ve chosen to achieve this by making a phone, because we believe that by opening up the supply chain, ...

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