Pioneering the path to circularity


The "circular economy", a concept that is becoming more and more prominent in the current Zeitgeist. In short, it's an economic system aimed at eliminating waste and facilitating the…

Five years and we are here to stay!


Five years ago, we founded a company to change how people think about what they buy and how industry thinks about what they make. And five years later, it brings me such pride to reflect…

E-waste Recycling: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly


E-waste is the fastest growing waste stream globally. In 2022, a record amount of 62 megatons of e-waste was generated, with little to no information on how 78% of this is collected…

Taking it step by step: An update on the Fairphone True Wireless Earbuds


Since day one, we've been leading the push to empower consumers with viable alternatives to the make-use-dispose trend in electronics. Keeping products in use longer decreases their…

It’s time to define the new „new“


Most things we need and don’t need, are right at our fingertips. However, even though tech is constantly innovating and becoming more powerful, something as basic as DIY-repair is…

Fairphone 2 is first smartphone to receive Blue Angel certification


I’m very proud to share some good news: the Fairphone 2 has now received the Blue Angel certification. With this distinction, our phone joins more than 12,000 products and services…

Fairphone 2 camera module out of stock


March 2020 update Are you a Fairphone 2 owner with a broken camera? We have good news for you: we are making a limited supply of 8 MP rear camera modules available. Yes, it’s an…

February Events: The Rundown


FairPhone is having a busy February! Our team is spread out across countries and continents, and we want to keep you in the loop. Here’s a rundown of our events: This Wednesday in…

We need to fix Black Friday. And the industry.


Here we are again, in the middle of annual Black Friday madness. It’s hard to pass up a good deal this time of the year, isn't it? However, for me, it really is time to take a good,…

Fair Materials 101: Why we can’t turn our back on mining


The “circular economy”: a concept that is becoming more and more prominent in the current Zeitgeist. Whether it’s an Instagram ad for a recycled-fiber sweater tagged with #circular,…

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