Into the deep


Remember our Materials 101 series of blogs where we introduced the distinction between artisanal mining (ASM) and large-scale mining? Well, potentially, there is another type of mining…

Fairphone is the first company to pilot Fairmined Gold credits


Through our Fairmined gold credits pilot with Alliance for Responsible Mining (ARM) we celebrate multiple wins alongside contributing to the social and environmental progress of the…

Research trip: Visiting tin, tantalum and tungsten mines


In the middle of July, filled with curiosity and anticipation, Bibi and I packed our bags and boarded a flight to Kigali, Rwanda. After a quick stop at a tungsten mine, we got on a…

Tin and Tantalum Road Trip


What happens when the minerals, tin and tantalum, leave their mines in DR Congo and make their way into the supply chain all across the world? And, how does it finally end up in a Fairphone?…

Made with Care: Social Assessment Report


In our earlier blogs on choosing and selecting a production partner, I discussed how Fairphone wants to take a different approach in our relationships with production partners. Fairphone…

Our Approach to Research: Forming Working Groups


While the first Fairphones are in the final stages of production and approaching the assembly period, some of us on the team are already trying to actually "quantify" the potential…

Partnership beyond the first tier: social impact with sub-supplier GSN


Fairphone 2 allows greater opportunities to build relationships and programs beyond first tier suppliers since we created our own custom design. Owning our design allows us to select…

Choosing the right materials for your Fairphone


A country's natural resources can be the foundation of its wealth, labour force and future development prospects - and yet these same natural resources catalyse great conflict and contradictions.…

Fairphone becomes a trending topic for 2013


BANG! He smacks his mobile phone down on the table. “Yes, this phone can take quite a beating.” When he turns round to greet someone, I see the blue mobile. “Yeah, it’s a…

Launching Fairphone 3D-printed cases with 3D Hubs


Fairphone’s 3D-printed case challenge Design A Day starts today! Attention current and future Fairphone owners: Do you want to have a unique case for your Fairphone designed directly…

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