Events recap: On the road with Fairphone


Over the past couple weeks we’ve been hopping around Europe to participate in a variety of events and share our story with new audiences, plus connect with our ever-delightful community…

Fairphone 2 reviewed: See what the press is saying!


When pre-orders started in July last year, our amazing community began placing their orders for the Fairphone 2 – without ever physically seeing or touching it. We were blown away…

How we’re tackling e-waste with the Fairphone 2


With the launch of the new Fairphone 2, the phone itself has gained significant attention for a few of the groundbreaking features that make it more ethical -- especially the modular…

October Production and Delivery Update


In April 2015, I joined Fairphone as the Director of Operations. My role covers everything from operations strategy and customer support, to supplier management and production planning.…

Digging for change


Part two of a guest feature by  David Sturmes, Director of Programme and Operations at the Impact Facility. In 2018 Fairphone has partnered with global lighting company Signify,…

Closing the Loop: The garbage collectors of the mobile industry


Tons of mobile phones are thrown away every year, in part because we replace them so frequently. Much of this electronic waste (e-waste) ends up in countries with unsafe and unregulated…

Creating a better working environment with Broadway


Late last year, we introduced you to Broadway – the manufacturer making the slim cases for the Fairphone 2. After creating a shortlist of potential suppliers, we decided to work with…

Teaming up with Vodafone


With every phone we make and sell, with every industry partner that follows our example, with every customer who starts a conversation about what makes their phone fair, we take another…

Fairphone Meets London: Pop-Up Space


After a quick two weeks since our Pop-Up Space event in London, we’ve been able to catch our breath and share some outcomes of what we did there - and we made a film! Although we…

Show your Fairphone some love with brand new accessories


If you bought Fairphone 3, you probably noticed that the only thing in the box was the phone. No charger. No cables. No little extras. And we do that on purpose – to cut down on e-waste…

Fairphone Newsletter

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