Designing the next Fairphone from the inside out


The process of developing a new product such as a smartphone is a complex one, and with our next Fairphone we wanted to stretch our design ambitions further to better align with our…

Can we outrace the e-waste problem? Yes, we can.


2019. 53.6 million metric tons of electronic waste generated. 2022. 62 million metric tons of electronic waste generated. 2050. 110 million metric tons of electronic waste projected. These…

Fairphone 2 production and delivery countdown!


In this blog post, we will gather all production and delivery news and update this blog once a week on Wednesday. (mehr …)

Don’t read our 2023 Impact Report. Read this instead.


It's been ten years since we started revolutionizing the electronics industry. A decade is a long time—depending on how you look at it. At Fairphone, it sped past, often feeling like…

Choosing what matters for the Fairphone 5 battery


We’re extremely proud of the Fairphone 5 battery. You’ve heard us sing its praises before, and we’re about to do it again: this battery is a small-but-mighty symbol of Fairphone’s…

We like to make things difficult: How your Fairphone is made


Your phone isn’t born in a store – that shouldn’t come as a big surprise! But what happens before you bring home your shiny new device? Today’s smartphones are essentially mini…

Guest blog: Latest news on Ghana e-waste collection program


To refresh your memory, Closing the Loop partnered with Fairphone early in 2013 to help us carry out a project to reduce electronic waste, particularly in Africa. We’ve started by…

Next step in Life Cycle Assessment: Inventory Analysis


Fairphone puts social values first. But what about the environment? Over the course of designing the first Fairphone, a number of decisions were made that improved the phone’s environmental…

Rethinking plastic waste


Here at Fairphone, we envision a circular economy, where resources are used and reused in an infinite loop. So we're examining every step of our phone's life cycle and finding ways…

Social Assessment Program begins at our manufacturer Hi-P


In October 2014, four team members of TAOS, our assessment partner, visited the facilities of Hi-P, the production partner for the next Fairphone. They spent three days on factory walkthroughs,…

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