How we are fixing the spare parts supply chain so you can repair your Fairphone


To break the cycle of constantly replacing broken or out-of-date phones, we’re designing our phones (and their lifespans) to last as long as possible. That’s why, from the start,…

Supporting conflict-free tungsten in Rwanda


With Fairphone 2 we continue our journey to open up the supply chain, trace materials back to the source and stimulate responsible sourcing together with our suppliers. For tin and…

What are Cobalt Credits?


How Fairphone and the Impact Facility (TIF) developed a new system to enable investment into improving working conditions of artisanal cobalt miners in DR Congo. As part of our engagement…

Sticking with Cobalt Blue


A call upon the industry to engage more - not less! - in ASM cobalt mining. Seven years after Amnesty International’s report “This is what we die for”, cobalt mining in the Democratic…

A closer look at our efforts to improve cobalt sourcing


Cobalt is an essential material used in high-performance lithium-ion batteries, used in everything from laptops and smartphones to electric and hybrid cars. As our appetite for these…

Guest Blog: Fair Cables for Fair Electronics


Editor's Note: This week we have a post from Susanne Jordan of NagerIT, where they have done tremendous work investigating the sourcing of fair electronics. All statements and opinions…

The search for responsibly sourced gold for the Fairphone


Every smartphone contains dozens of different minerals, including precious metals such as gold. Our roadmap for mining involves responsibly sourcing minerals, starting with the four…

Fairphone 2 good vibrations with conflict-free tungsten


Today we’ve got a new reason to celebrate: Conflict-free tungsten is now part of the Fairphone supply chain! With this achievement, Fairphone can finally announce that we set up traceable…

Five years of responsible gold


For the past five years, Fairphone has been an active participant in a broad coalition within the Dutch gold sector aimed at ensuring greater respect for human rights, the environment…

How can “Fair Sourcing” change the electronics industry?


At Fairphone, we get lots of questions. From “how much does the Fairphone 3 cost?” to “what is the current approach to the living wage in China?”, there’s a constant flow…

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