Dein altes Handy ruft an: Es will ein neues Leben


Viele von uns (etwa 1,5 Milliarden) besitzen ein brandneues Smartphone, an das wir uns gerade erst gewöhnen. In den meisten Fällen ist das eine schlechte Nachricht für unseren bisherigen…

Fairphone Easy: Das Smartphone-Abonnement für eine fairere Zukunft


Die Welt braucht ein neues Business Modell. Die Elektronikbranche fokussiert sich auf den Verkauf möglichst vieler neuer Smartphones, um Gewinn zu erzielen. Dies führt zu kürzeren…

Apple thinks modularity hinders device longevity. We don’t.


In a recent interview, Apple’s new head of hardware, John Ternus, was asked whether it would be conceivable to make iPhones even more modular and make them as easy to repair as a…

How we made our fairest battery yet for the Fairphone 5


We are very proud that with the Fairphone 5, we have also launched our fairest battery yet. Possibly even the fairest smartphone battery on the market - at least based on the information…

Choosing what matters for the Fairphone 5 battery


We’re extremely proud of the Fairphone 5 battery. You’ve heard us sing its praises before, and we’re about to do it again: this battery is a small-but-mighty symbol of Fairphone’s…

We have big plans for fair materials by 2030


Our new Fair Materials Roadmap 2030 extends our list of focus materials from 14 to 23 materials. With this, we take our fair material sourcing to the next level and challenge the industry…

Don’t read our 2023 Impact Report. Read this instead.


It's been ten years since we started revolutionizing the electronics industry. A decade is a long time—depending on how you look at it. At Fairphone, it sped past, often feeling like…

How sustainable is the Fairphone 2?


By combining modular architecture with spare parts and easy repairs, we designed the Fairphone 2 to last longer than the average smartphone. And logically, a longer-lasting phone should…

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