Let’s make fair, sustainable mining the new normal


It’s been just over three months since the spread of COVID-19 turned Fairphone’s Amsterdam headquarters into a virtual workspace. But as I write this from the privilege and comfort…

Conflict-free Mineral Legislation in the US and EU


If you’ve been following our story on Precious Materials, specifically mining in DR Congo, then you know for Fairphone, the use of conflict-free minerals in the production of consumer…

Our approach to developing the next Fairphone


Last week we hit a big milestone in Fairphone history. On Tuesday, we re-opened our shop to sell the final shipment of available Fairphones and within an hour and a half - we sold out!…

What’s in a Life-Cycle Assessment?


I suppose some (or most!) of you are concerned about the environmental issues related to the shiny, cool Fairphone-to-be, right? Some of you have already showed specific interest in…

Cost breakdown of the Fairphone 2


At Fairphone, transparency is one of our core principles for creating fairer electronics. Besides digging deeper into the supply chain and gaining a better understanding of industry…

Fairphone 3+: Now with fairer magnets


We are excited to announce our latest step towards a fairer future: there is now 100% recycled neodymium in our speakers and 90% recycled neodymium in our vibration motor! “That’s…

Getting older and wiser: Lessons learned from developing two Fairphones


For those of us working at Fairphone, the past two years have been a wild ride, and we can still barely believe that we’re nearly ready to start producing our second phone! Sometimes…

The charged debate around cobalt


Part one of a guest feature by  David Sturmes, Director of Programme and Operations at the Impact Facility. Few if any minerals have polarised the public as much as cobalt. The…

Digging deep for responsible aluminum


You probably don’t think about aluminum a lot. We do - it's one of our 14 focus materials. But we really dug deep when we decided the Fairphone 4 was going to have an aluminum case…

Tackling child labor: A joint force


A consortium of partners, led by Fairphone, implemented a project in Busia, Uganda from July 2017 until March 2021. The project aim was to improve and support the artisanal and small-scale…

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