Next chapter in Fairphone’s strategy: Outlook for 2015


This time last year, we were one month into autumn, the season when we projected we would start shipping our first phone. About 20,000 people put down 325 euros and had been waiting…

Cobalt mining: It’s time to face the facts and invest in making improvements


This week, US-based human rights firm International Rights Advocates filed a lawsuit accusing major international manufacturers of profiting from the labor of children working in dangerous,…

Fairphone Pop-Up Space: London


Will we see you in London next week!? At Fairphone our goal is to open up the systems to discover how our products are made. Lofty goal - but we're doing it step-by-step when building…

Defining Sustainable (Choices): Can We Rely on Certification?


Almost one year ago, one week before opening the pre-sales, Bas shared our road map to a "fairer phone." As you all know by now, the pillars in this road map focus on creating a more…

Taking Back Phones for a Circular Economy: E-waste in Ghana


Editor's Note: For this week's blog post, our community manager Joe sat down with Bibi (Research and Outreach) to talk about our ambition to address the full life cycle of the phone.…

Transparency: a Mission and a Challenge


If you've been living under a Fairphone-less rock: Fairphone's mission is to change the relationship between people and their products, and our vision is an economy based on fairer…

Three Years in the Making: Road to a Fairer Phone


Three years ago, we started Fairphone as a campaign with a simple but lofty goal: to create the world’s first completely fair smartphone. This year's phone is the first step towards…

Precious Materials 101, or How Stuff Gets in Your Phone


I've just returned from a one-month trip in China, and it's time I begin sharing with you all the knowledge and experiences I've learned on this journey. While I am not an expert, I…

Building our Marketing/Communications Team: Introducing Gabriel


For the longest time, I was a proud owner of a Nokia 3310, well into the new millenium. What can I say, Snake II is by far the best mobile phone game ever developed. But as time went…

Our role as a social enterprise in the industry


A post about a conference that our product guy, Miquel, recently attended in Rostock, Germany on "Responsible IT." As I write this post on the train from Rostock to Hamburg, my shirt…

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