The most sustainable phone is the one you already own

A phone’s biggest environmental impact comes from the manufacturing process. That’s why – whether it’s a Fairphone or something else – the most sustainable phone available is the one you already own. So the longer you keep it, the more sustainable it becomes. Extending the lifespan of existing phones is the best strategy for reducing their impact on the planet. And it’s not only good for the earth – it’s easy on your wallet, too!

Most mobile phones are replaced within two years – with your help, we want to keep ours working for longer. (Artwork by Esmée Laclé, 2019)

Just like your body, the best way to keep your phone going strong for as long as possible is to take good care of it. And as with human bodies, everything is interconnected, so sometimes a problem in one part of the phone (like strange screen behavior) can be fixed by tweaking something seemingly unrelated (like replacing your SIM card). Want more insider tips from our customer support team for keeping your phone in top shape? Below you’ll find a few more gems from our years of knowledge and experience.

How can you keep your phone fit?

Keep it clean

Keep it happy

Repair it right

Got any other tips for keeping (and loving) your phone as long as possible? We’d love to hear them. Share your advice on the Fairphone forum or on our official Facebook page.

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