

Fairphone in the news: Best of 2020


At Fairphone, we spend lots of our time sharing our story with the world… So sometimes it’s nice to sit back and let someone else do the talking. Want to see what others are saying about Fairphone?

Despite the curveballs thrown this year, 2020 was a year of continued growth for Fairphone. We launched a new phone (well, kind of…), Fairphone 3+, and developed collaborations with new partners including /e/OS. It was also the year we worked to reach a wider audience while maintaining the community that has been with us from the beginning. Our projects had a lot of people talking about our efforts.

Take a look at some of our best media coverage from 2020.

TechCrunch: “Fairphone teams up with /e/OS on a box-fresh ‘deGoogled’ handset”

Trusted Reviews: “The Fairphone 3 now comes with an even fairer operating system”

Engadget: “Fairphone 3 can now be bought with a ‘de-googled’ OS”

RTL Nieuws: “Fairphone 3 is er nu ook met Google-vrij systeem”

Financial Times: “Glencore backs cobalt mining pact in DR Congo”

Het Financieele Dagblad: “Project voor ‘fair’ kobalt uit Congo krijgt vervolg, met subsidie vanuit Nederland”

Forbes: “Improving The Conditions Of Informal Cobalt Mines—And Opportunities For Local Communities”

The launch of the Fairphone 3+

TechCrunch: “Fairphone’s new flagship, the 3+, costs just €70 as a modular upgrade”

Forbes: “Fairphone 3+ Is The Smartphone You Upgrade At Home”

Gizmodo: “The Fairphone 3+ Is a Repairable Dream That Takes Beautiful Photos”

Engadget: “Even an idiot can repair a Fairphone”

The Guardian: “Fairphone 3+ review: ethical smartphone gets camera upgrades”

 The Guardian’s Samuel Gibbs gave the Fairphone 3+ a five-star rating.

More reviews from around the world

We get media attention around the world but particularly in Europe, where we sell our phones. In Germany, Utopia said that “Fairphone bietet als derzeit einziger Smartphone-Anbieter die Möglichkeit, neue technische Features in vorhandene Geräte zu integrieren”. Süddeutsche Zeitung stated that “Wer ein halbwegs ökologisches und unter halbwegs ethisch vertretbaren Bedingungen produziertes Handy kaufen will, der kommt am Fairphone kaum vorbei.” In the French media, RTL said that Fairphone “qui veut rendre plus éthique l’industrie électronique donne la possibilité à ses clients de mettre à jour leur smartphone avec de nouveaux modules caméras pour les inciter à le conserver plus longtemps et réduire leur empreinte écologique.” Les Numeriques stated “Il faut saluer la conception Fairphone et la philosophie de l’entreprise.” It’s also great to see positive reviews in Dutch publications such as Computer Totaal, that gave the Fairphone 3+ a 4-star rating and said “…de reden dat je voor een Fairphone gaat, is omdat je andere waarden hecht aan je smartphonegebruik.” Tweakers, published an in depth review saying that “de Fairphone 2 en Fairphone 3 zijn gericht op gemakkelijke reparaties en upgrades, maar in de afgelopen vijf jaar [in de industrie] is de gemakkelijk verwisselbare accu een zeldzaamheid geworden.”

Our story continues in 2021, as we’re currently working on exciting new developments. If you want to be the first to know our latest news, make sure to sign up for our newsletter.


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