

Have you seen the new Fairphone Timeline feature?


We can’t wait for you to check out the latest update to the Fairphone app: the Timeline feature. It’s now available to all Fairphone 3, 4 and 5 owners, and allows our community to take a look back at their Fairphone journey so far… and peek into the future as well to see what we have in store for them in the coming years.

At Fairphone, one of our biggest goals has always been building phones that last. But how do we get people excited about holding onto their phones for longer? Because it’s not just about saving you money (though that’s a big perk), it’s also way better for the planet. We’ve written a bunch about why designing to last matters—check it out here, here, and here. Now, with the new Timeline feature, you can actually see the real impact of keeping your phone longer. It shows how it affects everything from raw materials to your phone’s carbon footprint. And this isn’t just talk—we’ve got detailed life cycle assessments here that that prove the longer you keep your phone, the more you reduce its carbon footprint!


With the new Timeline feature, you can take a look back at your Fairphone journey so far… and peek into the future as well!

One way we make sure your phone lasts longer is by giving you the right to repair. You’d think this would be standard, but for most of the industry, it still isn’t—especially with things like parts pairing and official service centers overcharging to fix your phone! Our modular design lets you pop the hood and swap parts in seconds, with no need to send it away. And it’s easy on the wallet too, as you can see here. With the Timeline feature, you can track repairs you’ve made and get insights on when certain parts might need replacing. Every time you choose to repair instead of recycle (or worse, retire), you’re giving your phone a longer life.

This brings us to how the Timeline can help you plan for the future. Scroll forward, and you’ll see when to expect your next OS update, along with an estimate of how long you can keep your Fairphone going strong. You can also keep an eye on parts that might need replacing, like your battery. Plus, you’ll see when your final software update is scheduled, how long you can potentially hold onto your phone after that, and helpful tips on what to do once you decide to switch to a new phone.

But the best part of the Timeline feature? It helps you set long-term goals. The average smartphone is used for about 2.5 years. With the Timeline, we’re here to encourage you to double that—or even triple it—while celebrating your progress every step of the way. Track your milestones and let’s keep your phone going strong together! After all, your smartphone is more than just a gadget; it’s an extension of you. We want to help you hold onto what you love for as long as possible. So open up your Fairphone app asap and trace your Fairphone journey so far. Let us know what you think!


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