Fairphone 4 FAQ


The Fairphone 4 5G is our latest model, launched on September 30, 2021. It is the next step in our mission to pioneer more sustainable ways to make smartphones. The Fairphone 4 5G has…

Fairphone 3(+) FAQ


The Fairphone 3+ is the upgraded version of the Fairphone 3.   It comes with two new camera modules and audio improvements to boost technical performance, enhance the user experience,…

How we got Fairtrade certified gold in the Fairphone 2 supply chain


Smartphones contain dozens of minerals sourced from every corner of the globe, including gold, which is commonly used in printed circuit boards (PCBs) as well as other wiring and components…

Fair Materials 101 – Understanding the Fair Sourcing game


Maybe I’ve spent too much time playing board games in lockdown, but I’m starting to see similarities between my favorite games and my daily work at Fairphone. I’m focused on creating…

We’ve scaled Fairtrade gold


We have paved the way to source more Fairtrade gold! Together with Fairtrade, we have partnered with Hirose Electric Co., Ltd. in Japan in order to integrate more Fairtrade gold into…

Supply chain stories: What happened with our phone displays


Phone screens break sometimes. Even when designed to be durable, and lovingly cared for by their owners, sometimes a phone just gets unlucky. The glass is tough, but not unbreakable…

A closer look at the spare parts supply chain


We recently shared the news that we need to stop supporting the Fairphone 1 -- our first attempt at making a fairer smartphone. In his blog post, our founder and CEO Bas van Abel explained…

Building a foundation for more responsible gold mining in Uganda


Responsible material sourcing has been at the heart of the Fairphone story since our early days as an awareness campaign about conflict minerals. This week, we’re pleased to share…

Digging deeper into the gold supply chain with our partner AT&S


Developing the Fairphone 2 has given us the opportunity to start working more closely with individual suppliers. Besides our first tier supplier Hi-P, we’ve recently introduced you…

Supporting fairer mineral initiatives with the Fairphone 2


Before we produced a single smartphone, Fairphone started as a campaign to increase awareness of conflict minerals in consumer electronics. We now focus on creating a positive impact…

Fairphone wants to increase global supply of responsible gold


Last Monday, members of the Fairphone team were in The Hague for the signing of a gold covenant, which aims to increase the supply of responsibly sourced gold. We were one of the signatories…

Research spotlight: How much does a miner earn?


Long before we made a single phone, Fairphone was working to better understand and improve mineral supply chains. Many years and three phones later, we’re still focusing on our mission…

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