• Stuff we’ve done in 2019 that you should care about

    Stuff we’ve done in 2019 that you should care about

    It’s been quite the year at Fairphone! We’ve got lots of big plans for the months ahead, but before we focus on the future, I’d like to look back and share a few of the highlights from the past 12 months. Revealing our new phone to the world One of the ...

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  • Cobalt mining: It’s time to face the facts and invest in making improvements

    Cobalt mining: It’s time to face the facts and invest in making improvements

    This week, US-based human rights firm International Rights Advocates filed a lawsuit accusing major international manufacturers of profiting from the labor of children working in dangerous, and sometimes deadly, conditions in cobalt mines in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). An article in the Guardian summarizes the scope ...

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  • The secrets to longevity: How your phone is maintained

    The secrets to longevity: How your phone is maintained

    Imagine you’re cycling to work, minding your own business, and suddenly, your tire goes flat. What do you do? Do you drive your bike straight to the landfill and start shopping for a new one? Of course not. The smart thing to do is simply repair or replace your ...

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  • We like to make things difficult: How your Fairphone is made

    We like to make things difficult: How your Fairphone is made

    Your phone isn’t born in a store – that shouldn’t come as a big surprise! But what happens before you bring home your shiny new device? Today’s smartphones are essentially mini computers made up of hundreds of parts, so the steps that go into making them form quite a ...

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  • Your phone isn’t born in a store: Meet the makers

    Your phone isn’t born in a store: Meet the makers

    Your phone and its materials have been handled hundreds of times by hundreds of people. They’re more than an assembly line: meet the Makers.  Unboxing a new phone is a great feeling. It’s shiny and fresh and all yours. It’s sealed, clean, and pristine. It’s not necessarily the most obvious ...

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  • Fairphone 2 camera module out of stock

    Fairphone 2 camera module out of stock

    March 2020 update Are you a Fairphone 2 owner with a broken camera? We have good news for you: we are making a limited supply of 8 MP rear camera modules available. Yes, it’s an older model and yes, the 12 MP camera for the Fairphone 2 remains out of ...

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  • Our new podcast: Right to repair, e-waste & interplanetary travel

    Our new podcast: Right to repair, e-waste & interplanetary travel

    Here at Fairphone, we believe that caring for people and planet should be a natural part of doing business. Together with an amazing network of changemakers, we’re disrupting a short-term way of thinking that the world can no longer afford. While the Fairphone is a physical expression of the ...

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  • Turning trash into treasure

    Turning trash into treasure

    Here at Fairphone, we’re very aware that our company is a bit of a paradox: it is our business to expose the flaws of the very industry we are a part of. This means that while we always strive to be fairer, greener, better, there’s no escaping the fact ...

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  • Proving our case: Fairphone 2 is sold out!

    Proving our case: Fairphone 2 is sold out!

    When Fairphone was founded five years ago, we set out to show the industry, and the world, that a fairer way is possible. Longer-lasting design, fairer material sourcing, better working conditions, and improved methods of reuse and recycling were our main goals. The Fairphone 2 was our chance to prove ...

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