The majority of the world’s smartphones are manufactured in China, but the country’s fast, affordable production comes at the cost of workers.
We want to improve job satisfaction and working conditions in the heart of the electronics sector, including health and safety, worker representation and working hours.
To make a lasting impact, we want to go beyond the traditional compliance model. Working together with a variety of production partners, labor rights experts and NGOs, we’re developing innovative programs to improve worker satisfaction and representation, and to open the lines of communication between workers and management. Furthermore, we are an active member of the Clean Electronics Production Network (CEPN). This is a multi-stakeholder initiative with the goal to move the electronics industry towards zero exposure of workers to toxic chemicals in the manufacturing process.
Arima understands our values and supports our ambition to increase sustainability from product design through the entire life cycle.
Read all about itWorker satisfaction starts with talking to factory employees. We're working on a scalable model for future partnerships.
Learn morePartnering up for progress: We've entered into a five-year partnership to support a more responsible approach to gold sourcing.
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