We need to fix Black Friday. And the industry.


Here we are again, in the middle of annual Black Friday madness. It’s hard to pass up a good deal this time of the year, isn't it? However, for me, it really is time to take a good,…

Fair Materials 101: Why we can’t turn our back on mining


The “circular economy”: a concept that is becoming more and more prominent in the current Zeitgeist. Whether it’s an Instagram ad for a recycled-fiber sweater tagged with #circular,…

Five years and we are here to stay!


Five years ago, we founded a company to change how people think about what they buy and how industry thinks about what they make. And five years later, it brings me such pride to reflect…

February Events: The Rundown


FairPhone is having a busy February! Our team is spread out across countries and continents, and we want to keep you in the loop. Here’s a rundown of our events: This Wednesday in…

Into the deep


Remember our Materials 101 series of blogs where we introduced the distinction between artisanal mining (ASM) and large-scale mining? Well, potentially, there is another type of mining…

Fairphone is the first company to pilot Fairmined Gold credits


Through our Fairmined gold credits pilot with Alliance for Responsible Mining (ARM) we celebrate multiple wins alongside contributing to the social and environmental progress of the…

Fairphone becomes a trending topic for 2013


BANG! He smacks his mobile phone down on the table. “Yes, this phone can take quite a beating.” When he turns round to greet someone, I see the blue mobile. “Yeah, it’s a…

Your phone isn’t born in a store: Meet the makers


Your phone and its materials have been handled hundreds of times by hundreds of people. They’re more than an assembly line: meet the Makers.  Unboxing a new phone is a great feeling.…

Proud and grateful: Celebrating our crowdfunding success


In May, I joined Fairphone as the company’s chief financial officer (CFO). While I expected a fast-paced, quickly evolving environment, I’m not sure I was prepared for just how…

Introducing Joe, our new Community Manager


What exactly is a “fair” phone? When can I buy one? Who are the people behind the scenes? How the hell do you even make a smartphone? These were some of the questions I’ve been…

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