Events recap: On the road with Fairphone


Over the past couple weeks we’ve been hopping around Europe to participate in a variety of events and share our story with new audiences, plus connect with our ever-delightful community…

From the factory to you: Packaging the Fairphone 2


From establishing a spare parts supply chain to developing special software features, in the past few months, we’ve been sharing lots of stories about creating the Fairphone 2 and…

Fairphone 2 now available through T-Mobile Austria


Starting today, there’s a new way for Austrian Fairphone fans to get their hands on our latest device: Thanks to a new operator partnership, the Fairphone 2 is now available through…

How we’re tackling e-waste with the Fairphone 2


With the launch of the new Fairphone 2, the phone itself has gained significant attention for a few of the groundbreaking features that make it more ethical -- especially the modular…

Opening up Fairphone to the community: Open source Fairphone 2


What operating system fits Fairphone? In this post, I’d like to explain Fairphone’s next step to fairer software, discussing how we’re working to give our community more control…

UK launch of the Fairphone 2 at London Design Festival


We're packing our bags for the UK as we get ready for our pop-up space in London during the London Design Festival. Starting Saturday, 26 September, we’ll showcase our latest smartphone…

Guide to our new website


Some of our readers may remember our first “behind-the-scenes” post about the website describing our design process and gathering your feedback. Since that time in May when we launched…

Tin and Tantalum Road Trip


What happens when the minerals, tin and tantalum, leave their mines in DR Congo and make their way into the supply chain all across the world? And, how does it finally end up in a Fairphone?…

First Fairphone Cost Breakdown


At last! The long-awaited, much-hyped "Cost Breakdown". Never heard of it? Well, good. We've got plenty of information in this blog post to introduce you to this new idea we want to…

Vienna Event: "Twentytwenty" Recap


As many of you who have been following us here on the blog, or on Facebook and Twitter, you know that FairPhone was recently a part of the TwentyTwenty event "Gadgets: Devices without…

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