Creating a better working environment with Broadway


Late last year, we introduced you to Broadway – the manufacturer making the slim cases for the Fairphone 2. After creating a shortlist of potential suppliers, we decided to work with…

Digging for change


Part two of a guest feature by  David Sturmes, Director of Programme and Operations at the Impact Facility. In 2018 Fairphone has partnered with global lighting company Signify,…

Closing the Loop: The garbage collectors of the mobile industry


Tons of mobile phones are thrown away every year, in part because we replace them so frequently. Much of this electronic waste (e-waste) ends up in countries with unsafe and unregulated…

Teaming up with Vodafone


With every phone we make and sell, with every industry partner that follows our example, with every customer who starts a conversation about what makes their phone fair, we take another…

How recyclable is the Fairphone 2?


From the dawn of the industrial era up to today, the majority of our products have been created according to the principles of a linear economy: we find resources, make a product, and…

Show your Fairphone some love with brand new accessories


If you bought Fairphone 3, you probably noticed that the only thing in the box was the phone. No charger. No cables. No little extras. And we do that on purpose – to cut down on e-waste…

Can we outrace the e-waste problem? Yes, we can.


2019. 53.6 million metric tons of electronic waste generated. 2022. 62 million metric tons of electronic waste generated. 2050. 110 million metric tons of electronic waste projected. These…

Don’t read our 2023 Impact Report. Read this instead.


It's been ten years since we started revolutionizing the electronics industry. A decade is a long time—depending on how you look at it. At Fairphone, it sped past, often feeling like…

Choosing what matters for the Fairphone 5 battery


We’re extremely proud of the Fairphone 5 battery. You’ve heard us sing its praises before, and we’re about to do it again: this battery is a small-but-mighty symbol of Fairphone’s…

We like to make things difficult: How your Fairphone is made


Your phone isn’t born in a store – that shouldn’t come as a big surprise! But what happens before you bring home your shiny new device? Today’s smartphones are essentially mini…

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