How can “Fair Sourcing” change the electronics industry?


At Fairphone, we get lots of questions. From “how much does the Fairphone 3 cost?” to “what is the current approach to the living wage in China?”, there’s a constant flow…

Zooming in on 10 materials and their supply chains


In February, I introduced you to the first steps of the materials scoping study that we completed with the help of The Dragonfly Initiative (TDI). To recap, we reviewed 38 materials…

Comparing Fairphone’s approach to a sustainability label


This week Südwind, SOMO and the GoodElectronics Network published a report in which Fairphone’s approach for social and sustainability standards are compared with those of a well-established…

Fairer materials – a list of the 10 we’re focusing on


Because we want to change the way products are made, one of our principal aims is to support fair materials and incorporate them into our smartphones. However, mobile phones contain…

On-site visit to cobalt mines in Congo, April 2017


Just a couple months ago in April, I went to the DRC together with team member Sylvain, to continue our quest for more responsibly mined materials. This time was all about cobalt, a…

Our North Star: The Material Roadmap


At Fairphone, we continuously strive for a transparent product. We tell you everything we know about what goes into your phone, but we also know there is more to know. We collected…

New EU conflict mineral legislation: another step towards industry-wide change


Last week Thursday, Members of the European Parliament voted with a great majority for the new legislation on the responsible sourcing of four conflict minerals: tin, tantalum, tungsten…

Just another boring abstract high-level meeting? OECD Conflict Minerals


Sean Ansett, who recently joined the Fairphone team (Yeah!, more about that in another blog), and I just got back from Paris where we were attending an international Forum on  Due…

Guest Blog: iFixit and Fairphone Repair Guides


Editor's Note: This week we hear from Kyle Wiens, the co-founder and CEO of iFixit, an online repair community internationally renowned for open source repair manuals and product teardowns.…

Research spotlight: Studying the end of the tin life cycle


Long before we made a single phone, Fairphone was working to better understand and improve mineral supply chains. Many years and three phones later, we’re still focusing on our…

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