The industry is listening: Uganda Gold Partnership wins Responsible Business Award


We're very proud to announce that the Uganda Gold initiative won the Responsible Business Partnership of the Year Award. With the combined expertise of UNICEF, the Fairtrade Foundation,…

Fairphone’s Crowdfunded Model & Social Impact


Note from Joe, Community Manager: Some people from the community ask, What's your crowdfunding model? Do you have lots of investors? Here, I did a quick Q&A with Bas, head honcho,…

Be part of the change: Join the Fair Cobalt Alliance


Today is a big day. From Fairphone’s very beginnings, we’ve been investigating ways to improve the cobalt supply chain, especially in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).…

Fairphone stepping up on fair lithium


Here at Fairphone we have joined and are members of several sustainable and ethical initiatives that address both social and environmental issues. From being B Corp certified to receiving…

Our latest step to integrate conflict-free tungsten: visiting the mine in Rwanda


At Fairphone, we care about the materials in our phone and want to inspire the entire industry to source more responsibly. With this in mind, we’ve been working with our supply chain…

Announcing our participation in the "Solutions for Hope" project


Fairphone is proud to announce its participation in the Solutions for Hope project. Working to fulfill a mission of respecting our precious minerals, we will be able to use conflict-free…

How we made our fairest battery yet for the Fairphone 5


We are very proud that with the Fairphone 5, we have also launched our fairest battery yet. Possibly even the fairest smartphone battery on the market - at least based on the information…

Let’s talk about Fairphone’s work in the Congo.


There has been a lot of social media buzz over the last few weeks on a myriad of issues related to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), from child labor issues to conflict minerals.…

Digging into the recycled material chains


Updated 25 July 2018: We have now finished the final scope of this research, which you can find here. If you're part of this industry, find the scope interesting and would like to…

Scaling up Fairtrade gold sourcing in our supply chain


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