Three Years in the Making: Road to a Fairer Phone


Three years ago, we started Fairphone as a campaign with a simple but lofty goal: to create the world’s first completely fair smartphone. This year's phone is the first step towards…

Precious Materials 101, or How Stuff Gets in Your Phone


I've just returned from a one-month trip in China, and it's time I begin sharing with you all the knowledge and experiences I've learned on this journey. While I am not an expert, I…

Building our Marketing/Communications Team: Introducing Gabriel


For the longest time, I was a proud owner of a Nokia 3310, well into the new millenium. What can I say, Snake II is by far the best mobile phone game ever developed. But as time went…

From founder leadership to growth leadership


Five years ago, in 2013, I took a massive leap of faith: I decided to transform the Fairphone campaign into a company. At that point, I had no experience running a company, and I had…

Fair Tungsten: From conflict-free to building community


Studies show we’re making an impact in Rwanda In the north of Rwanda, near the city of Kidao, one of the country’s oldest tungsten mines is proving us right. Fairphone started…

Our Choice for Production Partner


Dilemmas, opportunities and what we’ve learned in China  Last month, we shared our initial steps to seek a production partner in China. We had significant pre-work to do to identify…

December production update: How production, workforce and delivery are intertwined


As Value Chain Director, I work to increase positive social and environmental impact throughout our product’s value chain, and that’s a pretty long chain, starting with mineral…

We have big plans for fair materials by 2030


Our new Fair Materials Roadmap 2030 extends our list of focus materials from 14 to 23 materials. With this, we take our fair material sourcing to the next level and challenge the industry…

Fair Materials 101: How can mining be used for good?


As we discussed in the previous blog of this series, cutting mining out of the electronics industry is not realistic. For the foreseeable future, mining is here to stay and as such,…

Growing the Fairphone team and hiring a Managing Director


*Updated 1 May: We are no longer accepting applications for the Managing Director vacancy. If there’s one thing that’s true about running a young social enterprise, it’s that…

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