The secrets to longevity: How your phone is maintained


Imagine you’re cycling to work, minding your own business, and suddenly, your tire goes flat. What do you do? Do you drive your bike straight to the landfill and start shopping for…

What’s in a Life-Cycle Assessment?


I suppose some (or most!) of you are concerned about the environmental issues related to the shiny, cool Fairphone-to-be, right? Some of you have already showed specific interest in…

How recyclable is the Fairphone 2?


From the dawn of the industrial era up to today, the majority of our products have been created according to the principles of a linear economy: we find resources, make a product, and…

Your old phone is calling – it wants a new life


Many of us, (around 400 million, by the third quarter of 2017) have a brand new phone that we’re getting to know, and an old phone, our constant companion for the last 1.7 years,…

Fairphone Easy: a smartphone subscription for a fairer future


UPDATE: Unfortunately, due to various reasons, Fairphone Easy has been suspended indefinitely from April 2024 onwards. While we still believe very strongly in the concept, it does not…

A green new deal for electronics?


As an industrial designer by training, and circular innovation lead here at Fairphone, the words “new stuff” have always felt taboo for me. I want the world to embrace the power…

We need to talk about smartphone innovation


Dear smartphone industry, I think it's about time we have an honest discussion about one of the guiding principles of this business. Let's talk about "innovation". Now that the world…

Meet the changemakers: Fairphone Ambassador Marlon Lipke


We’re on a journey to change the electronics industry – and we’re not alone. While the Fairphone is a physical expression of the possibility of change, it also happens to be a…

Your old phones are calling. They want a new life.


Many of us, (around 1,5 billion every year) have a brand new phone that we’re just getting used to. More often than not, this is bad news for our previous trusty companion. Our “old”…

Turning Black Friday Green


Once upon a time – when the idea of longevity was so deeply ingrained in the collective psyche that the question “But how long will this last?” was commonplace when considering…

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