
Good Business

How much RAM does your smartphone need?

Good Business

Did you know the classic Nokia 3310 had just 1 kilobyte of onboard memory? If we told you back then that a mobile phone could boast over 24 million times that amount today, you would have laughed us out of the building. Over the years, we have seen RAM size exponentially grow, with computers capable of housing up to 256GB of RAM onboard today, allowing for God-level multitasking. But what’s RAM really, and how much RAM do you actually need?

What is RAM?

RAM stands for Random Access Memory. It’s where your smartphone or computer stores on-the-go information. When you open an app, the data and instructions required for the app to run are loaded from storage into RAM. This allows the CPU to access the necessary data much faster than it could from storage, or ROM. That stands for Read Only Memory, which is where you house all your files for long-term data retention. Imagine the world’s biggest library, with over a million books inside. If you needed to research a particular topic, scanning every single book in there might not be the most efficient way to go about it. It would be easier to scan through a smaller subset with only the relevant information needed. The library itself would be your smartphone’s ROM storage, while the subset serves as your RAM. More RAM allows for better multitasking, as the phone can keep more apps and processes in memory without needing to reload them. This reduces lag and improves overall performance.

How much RAM do I need?

It depends on how much you use your phone. Most budget phones nowadays come with 2GB to 4GB of RAM. That’s good for calling, texting, checking your emails and basic browsing. You won’t be able to run multiple apps simultaneously, at least not smoothly. On the other hand, the most expensive devices on the market right now come with 16GB to 24GB of RAM. For a lot of people, this might be overkill. That’s why, if you’re not a heavy user, the ideal range would be somewhere in the middle, between 6GB to 12 GB. This is perfect for multitasking, casual gaming, and taking photos and videos, all with zero lag. It is also more cost-effective, while also still future-proof to a degree. 

Other things to RAM-ember

Like we said earlier, more RAM does offer a smoother software experience. On the flip side, more RAM will also require more power consumption, which might drain your battery quicker. And with more apps open, you can expect your device to be running warmer than usual. However, in practice, all of this depends on how well your device’s operating system and apps have been optimized. It also depends on what hardware your RAM has been paired with. That’s why it is important to consider the whole package when assessing your smartphone’s performance. Remember, one size doesn’t fit all.

We believe in giving you options. The Fairphone 5 launched in August 2023 with 8GB of RAM and 256GB of onboard storage. One year on, we now have a Fairphone 5 6GB RAM version with 128GB of onboard storage, available in black and an exclusive moss green edition. That’s not all. The new Fairphone 5 6GB variant comes at our lowest price yet, making it a fantastic option for someone who wants a smartphone that lasts, at a more wallet-friendly price.


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