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Can you solve our Christmas crossword?

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Christmas games are always fun. In the spirit of the holiday season, we put together a fun game for our wonderful Fairphone community as well. If you can solve our Christmas crossword and unlock the secret code hidden inside, you stand to win a free Fairphone-branded 7-speed bike that’s been (literally) upcycled by Amsterdam-based bike makers, Roetz. Amazing, right? So let’s get solving.

STEP 1: Click one of the buttons below to download the crossword in your preferred language.

STEP 2: Solve all the clues and fill out the crossword.

STEP 3: Time for the secret code! Use the first letters of each crossword answer to unscramble the code.

STEP 4: Send us the finished crossword and the secret code via email to

Play in English    Play in Dutch    Play in French    Play in German

If you’re lucky, you’ll be riding a new bike by this time next month. The last date for entries is January 5, 2025, and the winners will be declared on our social media channels on January 7, 2025. So if you aren’t following us on social media already, this is the perfect time to start. All the best! Happy holidays!

*Terms and conditions apply.

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