Fairphone 4 New Life Edition


  The Fairphone 4 New Life Edition is the refurbished version of Fairphone 4. We've already done this with Fairphone 2 and Fairphone 3(+), so it seemed natural to continue with the…

Fairphone 5 FAQ


The Fairphone 5 is our latest model, launched on August 30, 2023. It is the next step in our mission to pioneer more sustainable ways to make smartphones. This article contains some…

How sustainable is the Fairphone 3?


At Fairphone, our dedication to change means a dedication to measurement. We’ve just completed the life cycle assessment on the Fairphone 3, and we’re humble-proud to present our…

The world’s first carbon-negative phone network? Meet Honest Mobile.


At Fairphone, we don’t just want to make a fairer phone: we want to make a fairer electronics industry. This isn’t something we can do alone; as Louisa May Alcott wrote, “it takes…

We won a GLOMO at MWC ’24… and more


We couldn’t have asked for a better ending at this year’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. As a Fairphone supporter, you’ll be happy to know that we just won a GLOMO for ‘Best…

Is the Fairphone 5 the most sustainable phone in the world?


After two years of designing and prototyping and endless development meetings, I am immensely proud to finally unveil to the world the brand new Fairphone 5. The team at Fairphone has…

Fairphone 2 gets a new case design in four colors


The next step in our journey towards fairer electronics is a colorful one. Pre-orders for the relaunched Fairphone 2 are now open and we want to celebrate! We’ve given the phone…

The Fairphone 5 scores a perfect 10 on iFixit


We are thrilled to announce that the Fairphone 5 has received a 10/10 on iFixit’s repairability scale - the highest possible score! Our latest Fairphone device, released in August…

From the factory to you: Packaging the Fairphone 2


From establishing a spare parts supply chain to developing special software features, in the past few months, we’ve been sharing lots of stories about creating the Fairphone 2 and…

Fairphone Easy: een smartphone-abonnement voor een eerlijkere toekomst


De wereld heeft een nieuw business model nodig. De elektronicabranche richt zich om flinke winst te behalen, op het zo vaak mogelijk verkopen van nieuwe modellen,. Op die manier bevorderen…

E-waste Recycling: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly


E-waste is the fastest growing waste stream globally. In 2022, a record amount of 62 megatons of e-waste was generated, with little to no information on how 78% of this is collected…

How we’re tackling e-waste with the Fairphone 2


With the launch of the new Fairphone 2, the phone itself has gained significant attention for a few of the groundbreaking features that make it more ethical -- especially the modular…

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