• «The Fairphone experiment is changing the tech industry.»

    «The Fairphone experiment is changing the tech industry.»

    That’s what iFixit founder and CEO Kyle Wiens thinks after tracking Fairphone’s journey over the last ten years. Read what he has to say about Fairphone’s transformative impact on the industry, from the Fairphone 1 to the Fairphone 5.  It’s been almost ten years since Fairphone launched an important experiment: ...

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  • How we made our fairest battery yet for the Fairphone 5

    How we made our fairest battery yet for the Fairphone 5

    We are very proud that with the Fairphone 5, we have also launched our fairest battery yet. Possibly even the fairest smartphone battery on the market – at least based on the information that is publicly available. Batteries are a crucial part of the global transition to renewable energy. That ...

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  • Let’s talk about Fairphone’s work in the Congo.

    Let’s talk about Fairphone’s work in the Congo.

    There has been a lot of social media buzz over the last few weeks on a myriad of issues related to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), from child labor issues to conflict minerals. Along the way, Fairphone has been getting tagged in a bunch of posts as well. ...

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  • This is our fairest battery yet.

    This is our fairest battery yet.

    Your smartphone is only as good as your battery. And the Fairphone 5’s battery is better than the best. It’s technically on point of course. With a capacity of 4200 mAh and 30W fast charging capabilities, you can juice up your Fairphone faster than ever before. And if you ...

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  • Is the Fairphone 5 the most sustainable phone in the world?

    Is the Fairphone 5 the most sustainable phone in the world?

    After two years of designing and prototyping and endless development meetings, I am immensely proud to finally unveil to the world the brand new Fairphone 5. The team at Fairphone has spent countless hours to bring our latest flagship to life, making it faster, thinner, but more importantly, fairer ...

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  • Fairphone is the first company to pilot Fairmined Gold credits

    Fairphone is the first company to pilot Fairmined Gold credits

    Through our Fairmined gold credits pilot with Alliance for Responsible Mining (ARM) we celebrate multiple wins alongside contributing to the social and environmental progress of the Fairmined certified mining cooperative La Gabriela in Colombia.   Win for responsible miners: Since 2016, Fairphone has been working hard to connect responsible ASM gold to ...

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  • Sticking with Cobalt Blue

    Sticking with Cobalt Blue

    A call upon the industry to engage more – not less! – in ASM cobalt mining. Seven years after Amnesty International’s report “This is what we die for”, cobalt mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is again in the headlines, with a focus on the continuous dangers and ...

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  • Five years of responsible gold

    Five years of responsible gold

    For the past five years, Fairphone has been an active participant in a broad coalition within the Dutch gold sector aimed at ensuring greater respect for human rights, the environment and biodiversity in the gold value chain. This “gold covenant” was spearheaded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs ...

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  • Digging deep for responsible aluminum

    Digging deep for responsible aluminum

    You probably don’t think about aluminum a lot. We do – it’s one of our 14 focus materials. But we really dug deep when we decided the Fairphone 4 was going to have an aluminum case rather than plastic. And it turns out, aluminum is really interesting. Start with this: ...

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