• Can we outrace the e-waste problem? Yes, we can.

    Can we outrace the e-waste problem? Yes, we can.

    2019. 53.6 million metric tons of electronic waste generated. 2022. 62 million metric tons of electronic waste generated. 2050. 110 million metric tons of electronic waste projected. These aren’t figures we should be proud of. Sooner rather than later, we are going to start drowning in our own electronic filth, unless we ...

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  • Don’t read our 2023 Impact Report. Read this instead.

    Don’t read our 2023 Impact Report. Read this instead.

    It’s been ten years since we started revolutionizing the electronics industry. A decade is a long time—depending on how you look at it. At Fairphone, it sped past, often feeling like there were never enough hours in the day. But when reflecting on what we achieved during that time, ...

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  • The New Fairbuds: Nine things you need to know

    The New Fairbuds: Nine things you need to know

    Titanium is key: The new Fairbuds feature 11mm titanium-coated drivers for better, cleaner, richer sound. During the development process, we evaluated several different driver types. This was done from both from an objective perspective, measuring and comparing frequency curves and harmonic distortion, as well as a more subjective approach, ...

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  • Let’s do some Fairphone math.

    Let’s do some Fairphone math.

    Imagine this: You’re strolling through the streets of Amsterdam, fresh stroopwafel in hand, about to take a picture for the ‘gram framed against the beautiful Amstel River. Out of nowhere, a seagull swoops in, sending both your sugary treat and your smartphone flying into the canal, never to be ...

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  • We have big plans for fair materials by 2030

    We have big plans for fair materials by 2030

    Our new Fair Materials Roadmap 2030 extends our list of focus materials from 14 to 23 materials. With this, we take our fair material sourcing to the next level and challenge the industry to step up in addressing some of the biggest challenges we are facing. More than 10 years ...

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  • What are Cobalt Credits?

    What are Cobalt Credits?

    How Fairphone and the Impact Facility (TIF) developed a new system to enable investment into improving working conditions of artisanal cobalt miners in DR Congo. As part of our engagement in the Fair Cobalt Alliance (FCA), Fairphone and The Impact Facility worked on finding a solution for downstream companies to ...

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  • «The Fairphone experiment is changing the tech industry.»

    «The Fairphone experiment is changing the tech industry.»

    That’s what iFixit founder and CEO Kyle Wiens thinks after tracking Fairphone’s journey over the last ten years. Read what he has to say about Fairphone’s transformative impact on the industry, from the Fairphone 1 to the Fairphone 5.  It’s been almost ten years since Fairphone launched an important experiment: ...

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  • How we made our fairest battery yet for the Fairphone 5

    How we made our fairest battery yet for the Fairphone 5

    We are very proud that with the Fairphone 5, we have also launched our fairest battery yet. Possibly even the fairest smartphone battery on the market – at least based on the information that is publicly available. Batteries are a crucial part of the global transition to renewable energy. That ...

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  • Let’s talk about Fairphone’s work in the Congo.

    Let’s talk about Fairphone’s work in the Congo.

    There has been a lot of social media buzz over the last few weeks on a myriad of issues related to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), from child labor issues to conflict minerals. Along the way, Fairphone has been getting tagged in a bunch of posts as well. ...

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