• Guest Blog: Fair Cables for Fair Electronics

    Guest Blog: Fair Cables for Fair Electronics

    Editor’s Note: This week we have a post from Susanne Jordan of NagerIT, where they have done tremendous work investigating the sourcing of fair electronics. All statements and opinions are author’s own. Before I start writing about fair cables, I should introduce my organization: NagerIT is a private initiative (non-profit), ...

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  • 5,000 Fairphones sold! Let’s start production!

    5,000 Fairphones sold! Let’s start production!

    YES! We did it! YOU got us to our 5,000 milestone…and counting! Let’s celebrate! By sharing our message, following our story, and buying the Fairphone, you are part of the group that shows there’s a demand for products that are concerned and accountable for social and environmental impact. Still, this is ...

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  • Our Choice for Production Partner

    Our Choice for Production Partner

    Dilemmas, opportunities and what we’ve learned in China  Last month, we shared our initial steps to seek a production partner in China. We had significant pre-work to do to identify suppliers. Given our size, model, and being a new business producing on a small production run, this was pretty challenging. ...

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  • Selecting a Production Partner

    Selecting a Production Partner

    In order to understand the processes behind selecting a production partner, as Fairphone is in the process of doing now, I discussed some initial questions with our Chief Sustainability Officer, Sean Ansett. – Joe Mier, Community Manager Questions and Answers (click to see answer below) What is a “code of conduct”? What ...

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