• Launching Fairphone 3D-printed cases with 3D Hubs

    Launching Fairphone 3D-printed cases with 3D Hubs

    Fairphone’s 3D-printed case challenge Design A Day starts today! Attention current and future Fairphone owners: Do you want to have a unique case for your Fairphone designed directly from the inspiration of the Fairphone community? Then start your creative engines running and share your artistic, inspired and perhaps even practical ideas ...

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  • Behind the scenes: Building a new Fairphone website

    Behind the scenes: Building a new Fairphone website

    At Fairphone, our behind-the-scenes updates are usually related to producing our phone. But this time, we’re pulling back the virtual curtains to reveal a different type of project: We’re developing a new website! Even though we’re not quite ready to launch, we knew it was time to let you ...

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  • Mobile World Congress 2014: Product Trend Report

    Mobile World Congress 2014: Product Trend Report

    As a Masters student at the University of Delft, I’ve recently started my research internship at Fairphone to further my passion for interaction and strategic design. I’m performing research on the mobile phone’s user experience in regards to hardware and software, and I was fortunate enough to join the ...

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  • Fairphone Video Tutorials

    Fairphone Video Tutorials

    We realize that many of you are still waiting for your phones. So, we’re posting a daily update on figures to our blog and apologize for the long wait – we know it must be hard after all these months. There are however, as of this date about 7,000 people ...

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  • Production Photo Blog

    Production Photo Blog

    Editor’s Note: In this blog post, Mulan has put together a collection of photos with Miquel and Bibi, to document the final stages of production. Here we’ll outline 1) the pre-assembly period, 2) putting all the components and materials together on to the final phone. The last step of ...

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  • Fairphone Meets London: Pop-Up Space

    Fairphone Meets London: Pop-Up Space

    After a quick two weeks since our Pop-Up Space event in London, we’ve been able to catch our breath and share some outcomes of what we did there – and we made a film! Although we usually have longer blog posts, in this one we’ll be brief with a ...

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  • Fairphone Operating System

    Fairphone Operating System

    This week, in the midst of our Fairphone Pop-Up Space in London, I’d like to share with you the story and design behind our Android-based Fairphone operating system (OS). It’s a topic that a lot of you are interested in as I’ve been hearing a lot of feedback via ...

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  • Fairphone Pop-Up Space: London

    Fairphone Pop-Up Space: London

    Will we see you in London next week!? At Fairphone our goal is to open up the systems to discover how our products are made. Lofty goal – but we’re doing it step-by-step when building our own smartphone. So even though our prototype isn’t our finished product, we know that ...

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  • Production Update: Overview of June and July

    Production Update: Overview of June and July

    On May 14, Fairphone began its one-month crowdfunding campaign. At that stage, we needed at least 5,000 people to pre-order a phone in order to go into production. On June 4, we reached the goal with one week left to spare. Yay! Now, two weeks after the end of ...

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