• Welcome, second batch Fairphone owners!

    Welcome, second batch Fairphone owners!

    As of this week, 13,380 second batch Fairphones have been shipped or are on their way – that’s more than half of the total orders placed so far. We’d like to warmly welcome each and every one of you to our community of Fairphone owners. For those of you who ...

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  • Second batch delivery begins

    Second batch delivery begins

    The second batch delivery has officially begun! On Monday 21 July, the first phones arrived at the distribution center in the Netherlands. Beginning Tuesday 22 July and throughout the week, this shipment of nearly 1,000 phones has made its way across Europe. But we know there are still many ...

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  • July production update: Delivery set to begin next week

    July production update: Delivery set to begin next week

    Every day we’re getting closer to getting our second batch Fairphones into the hands of their new owners. Since the last production update a few weeks ago, production has been busy with final checks on quality in terms of production quality, finalizing software, and reviewing packaging materials. Shipping expected to ...

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  • Press Review – Look Who’s Talking

    Press Review – Look Who’s Talking

    Over the past year and a half we’ve been overwhelmed and honored to have quite a few inquisitive journalists knock on our door and start asking questions. We can’t possibly write in all the languages of the world, so we’re pleased to have the press step in to spread the ...

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  • Production & delivery update: When will your Fairphone arrive?

    Production & delivery update: When will your Fairphone arrive?

    Thanks for showing your commitment to Fairphone! At the time this post was published, we’ve pre-sold almost 12,000 second batch Fairphones. We’re excited to get your new phone into your hands. We’ve tried our best to offer clear, transparent information through the pre-sales and ordering process, but we realize some ...

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  • Our online shop is open for pre-orders!

    Our online shop is open for pre-orders!

    We’re ready to start taking your orders! As of today, we’re selling our second batch Fairphones in our shiny new online shop. Order your Fairphone now and join a movement to change how products are made. We’re producing 35,000 second batch Fairphones Last year, our 25,000 first edition Fairphones sold out ...

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  • Introduction to our Support Team

    Introduction to our Support Team

    Many of you have been in touch with our Support team since the first Fairphones were shipped last December. Some of you are just getting to know our team members as we gear up for sales of the next batch of phones. So before this busy period starts up ...

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  • 35,000 Phones in Second Batch

    35,000 Phones in Second Batch

    We’re making 35,000 more Fairphones! A couple weeks ago, we asked you all, our faithful blog readers, and those on our 2nd batch buyers’ list how serious you were about buying a Fairphone. And the response was overwhelming! Based on your feedback, we’re excited to confirm that we’re producing 35,000 ...

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  • Who’s Buying a 2nd Batch Fairphone?

    Who’s Buying a 2nd Batch Fairphone?

    Editor’s Note: As of 31 March, we have closed the survey below. We had a huge number of respondents and comments! Thanks for taking the time to tell us about your Fairphone 2nd batch intentions. For anyone who did not «vote» in time, it’s OK! This was a final indication ...

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