• Turning Black Friday Green

    Turning Black Friday Green

    Once upon a time – when the idea of longevity was so deeply ingrained in the collective psyche that the question “But how long will this last?” was commonplace when considering buying any new item – my grandpa lovingly handmade wooden school suitcases for my dad and his sister. ...

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  • Meet the changemakers: Fairphone Ambassador Marlon Lipke

    Meet the changemakers: Fairphone Ambassador Marlon Lipke

    We’re on a journey to change the electronics industry – and we’re not alone. While the Fairphone is a physical expression of the possibility of change, it also happens to be a great storytelling device that connects us with inspiring changemakers from all over. In this series, we want to ...

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  • Meet the changemakers: Fairphone Ambassador Heidi Andersson

    Meet the changemakers: Fairphone Ambassador Heidi Andersson

    We’re on a journey to change the electronics industry – and we’re not alone. While the Fairphone is a physical expression of the possibility of change, it also happens to be a great storytelling device that connects us with inspiring changemakers from all over. In this series, we want to ...

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  • Meet the changemakers: Fairphone Ambassador Pascal Egli

    Meet the changemakers: Fairphone Ambassador Pascal Egli

    We’re on a journey to change the electronics industry – and we’re not alone. While the Fairphone is a physical expression of the possibility of change, it also happens to be a great storytelling device that connects us with inspiring changemakers from all over. In this series, we want to ...

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  • #stayconnected: Put down your phone

    #stayconnected: Put down your phone

    For a series titled «stay connected,» the following article might seem a bit counterintuitive, but bear with me. Before the lockdown began, my daily screentime clocked in at about three hours; That’s close to an entire day per week, more than three days a month and at the end ...

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  • Creating a community

    Creating a community

    Many Fairphoners are essentially extensions of our enterprise, sharing knowledge outside of the immediate Fairphone community, solving technical issues for other users, or building operating systems. It’s the mission behind the phone that brings people into the community; it’s the future inspired by the phone that keeps them here. A ...

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  • Enthusiastic, motivated and helpful: Just a few reasons to love the Fairphone community

    Enthusiastic, motivated and helpful: Just a few reasons to love the Fairphone community

    The Fairphone community is the backbone of our movement. Time and time again, they wow us with their energy, motivation and willingness to pitch in and help. Recently, all across Europe, Fairphoners have been organizing meet ups, swapping modules and discussing topics related to fair electronics. Keep reading to ...

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  • Share your Fairphone love and help friends save €40

    Share your Fairphone love and help friends save €40

    The Fairphone community is the heart and soul of our movement for fair electronics. Because you mean so much to us, we’ve created a special new program just for Fairphone fans and their friends. It’s pretty simple: if you know someone who wants to buy a Fairphone 2, you ...

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