• Fairphone 3 Launch Events: Behind the Scenes

    Fairphone 3 Launch Events: Behind the Scenes

    It’s finally sinking in: the Fairphone 3 is HERE. The long hours and sleepless nights have been worth it to see the phone that dares to care become a reality. The launch on August 27th wasn’t just about revealing our most ambitious phone yet; it was also a good, ...

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  • Launching Fairphone 3: Dare to care

    Launching Fairphone 3: Dare to care

    On behalf of an incredibly proud team, and the entire Fairphone community, I’m delighted to announce the launch of the Fairphone 3, our newest response to the growing demand for a more ethical, reliable and sustainable phone. This is the phone for all of us who dare to care about ...

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  • Refurbished phones give valuable resources a new life

    Refurbished phones give valuable resources a new life

    Great news! There’s still a chance to get your hands on a Fairphone 2. We’re now selling a limited number of refurbished Fairphone 2s, which we call the Fairphone 2: New Life Edition. These phones have the same high-quality standards as a brand new Fairphone 2 and the same ...

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  • What’s next for Android 7 on Fairphone 2?

    What’s next for Android 7 on Fairphone 2?

    June update We’re happy to announce that our June software update (19.05.3) is now available for the Fairphone 2. It was rolled out on June 4th, so please make sure to check your Fairphone 2 updater app and install the latest version. The latest software maintenance update for the Fairphone 2 ...

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  • Investing in long-lasting design: Android 7 for the Fairphone 2

    Investing in long-lasting design: Android 7 for the Fairphone 2

    Earlier this year we announced that we were working towards getting Android 7 into the hands of Fairphone 2 owners. It’s been a long wait, but we’re happy to say that, after months of hard work on development, Android 7.1.2 ‘Nougat’ will officially be available for the Fairphone 2. ...

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  • What happened with our transparent cases?

    What happened with our transparent cases?

    We have recently stopped selling our transparent and black translucent slim cases via our web shop and partners. After doing additional reliability testing we have discovered that they crack more easily, which makes them vulnerable to breakage. If you own a black translucent or transparent case and are experiencing ...

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  • Supply chain stories: What happened with our phone displays

    Supply chain stories: What happened with our phone displays

    Phone screens break sometimes. Even when designed to be durable, and lovingly cared for by their owners, sometimes a phone just gets unlucky. The glass is tough, but not unbreakable – and you can find a lot of phones with cracked displays in the wild. That’s one of the ...

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  • New camera modules make the Fairphone 2 upgradeable

    New camera modules make the Fairphone 2 upgradeable

    The word is out! We have unveiled the latest accomplishment in our journey for fairer electronics and long-lasting design. By introducing two brand new camera modules, the Fairphone 2 has become the first smartphone with a core function that owners can upgrade by themselves. Now that the dust has ...

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  • A closer look at the spare parts supply chain

    A closer look at the spare parts supply chain

    We recently shared the news that we need to stop supporting the Fairphone 1 — our first attempt at making a fairer smartphone. In his blog post, our founder and CEO Bas van Abel explained some of the reasons why we needed to make this hard decision, including the ...

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