We’ve Gone Platinum


  We’ve gone platinum, but not in the way you might think. We didn’t move on from being a sustainable smartphone company to making music, but this definitely is music to…

The architecture of the Fairphone 2: Designing a competitive device that embodies our values


The big day is finally here! Nearly a year and a half after we started designing our new phone, we’ve released the first images and more details about the Fairphone 2. (más…)

Fair Materials 101 – A guide to the materials in your phone


At Fairphone, we've set ourselves some serious challenges: We're out to change the world. Change doesn't happen overnight, though - and a lot of the progress happens behind the scenes. So…

Fairphone just went platinum… again!


We are super excited and proud to share that EcoVadis has awarded Fairphone Platinum status, and we have received the highest score ever in our industry. EcoVadis is the global standard…

Why we had to stop supporting the Fairphone 1


At the beginning of last week, we announced to Fairphone 1 owners that we have stopped supporting our first phone. Practically speaking, this means that we will no longer sell spare…

Fairphone to make bigger impact in 2016 – but how are we going to pay for it?


It’s already February, but hopefully it’s not too late to wish everyone all the best for 2016! I’m not really one for making resolutions, but this time of year always reminds…

Host an Urban Mining Workshop


Fairphone invites you to grab your helmets and put on your safety goggles because we’re going urban mining. We’ve been conducting Urban Mining Workshops and they’ve been such…

The path to finding our new production partner: Hi-P


Late last year, we informed you of our intentions to develop our own phone using a new commercial model to gain control over the product design and have more influence on the ensuing…

A golden opportunity: The risks and rewards of gold recycling


Why would anyone put gold in a phone? Silver and copper are better conductors, and much cheaper. The answer lies in one word: tarnishing. Silver and copper react with oxygen. Pure gold…

Fairphone at European Parliament


Last Monday, Fairphone attended a conference at the European Parliament. The conference was about a possible European law on responsible sourcing in conflict areas (that is: a law intended…

Boletín de Fairphone

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