• 35,000 Phones in Second Batch

    35,000 Phones in Second Batch

    We’re making 35,000 more Fairphones! A couple weeks ago, we asked you all, our faithful blog readers, and those on our 2nd batch buyers’ list how serious you were about buying a Fairphone. And the response was overwhelming! Based on your feedback, we’re excited to confirm that we’re producing 35,000 ...

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  • Guest Blog: iFixit and Fairphone Repair Guides

    Guest Blog: iFixit and Fairphone Repair Guides

    Editor’s Note: This week we hear from Kyle Wiens, the co-founder and CEO of iFixit, an online repair community internationally renowned for open source repair manuals and product teardowns. Fairphone is happy to announce our partnership with iFixit as Fairphone spare parts and repair guides are now live on ...

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  • Who’s Buying a 2nd Batch Fairphone?

    Who’s Buying a 2nd Batch Fairphone?

    Editor’s Note: As of 31 March, we have closed the survey below. We had a huge number of respondents and comments! Thanks for taking the time to tell us about your Fairphone 2nd batch intentions. For anyone who did not « vote » in time, it’s OK! This was a final indication ...

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  • Mobile World Congress 2014: Product Trend Report

    Mobile World Congress 2014: Product Trend Report

    As a Masters student at the University of Delft, I’ve recently started my research internship at Fairphone to further my passion for interaction and strategic design. I’m performing research on the mobile phone’s user experience in regards to hardware and software, and I was fortunate enough to join the ...

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  • Defining Sustainable (Choices): Can We Rely on Certification?

    Defining Sustainable (Choices): Can We Rely on Certification?

    Almost one year ago, one week before opening the pre-sales, Bas shared our road map to a « fairer phone. » As you all know by now, the pillars in this road map focus on creating a more sustainable value chain in five action areas: precious minerals, made with care, smart ...

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  • First Visit: Ghana E-waste Collection Program

    First Visit: Ghana E-waste Collection Program

    [Editor’s Note: In this blog post, team members Bibi and Raluca deliver their report on their recent trip to Ghana, where they were accompanied by Joost de Kluijver of Closing the Loop. They discuss the scope of their trip, introduce partners, talk about the meetings they conducted, and give ...

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  • Fairphone, the next steps – from 2013 to 2014

    Fairphone, the next steps – from 2013 to 2014

    [Editor’s Note: We’ve got news to share. After finishing the delivery of our first batch of Fairphones from December and January, we’re looking ahead to 2014. I sat down with Bas to go over some of the common questions we get from our community, and want to share our ...

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  • Fairphone Video Tutorials

    Fairphone Video Tutorials

    We realize that many of you are still waiting for your phones. So, we’re posting a daily update on figures to our blog and apologize for the long wait – we know it must be hard after all these months. There are however, as of this date about 7,000 people ...

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  • Production and Distribution Update

    Production and Distribution Update

    Here are the numbers we can share on phone distribution. We’ll be posting updates every working day. We’ll only give updates on how many phones have been shipped. 31 January: Update 24 All first batch phones shipped! Thank you all for the immense patience and support! Bas and Laura at the warehouse ...

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