• We Need A Revolution

    We Need A Revolution

    As November rolls around, I find myself soul-searching again. With over a decade in this industry, the overwhelming avalanche of Black Friday deals and consumerist hype around this time make me feel a little guilty. While Fairphone has never bought into the « save by spending like crazy » storyline, I ...

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  • Repairing the Fairphone 5

    Repairing the Fairphone 5

    Here’s a handy guide on how to quickly repair the new Fairphone 5 by yourself. There’s a reason why we say it’s designed for you, made fair. The Fairphone 5 comes with ten swappable spare parts that make DIY repairs super easy… and fun, even. We’re really big on ...

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  • What is device longevity?

    What is device longevity?

    It’s that time of the year again. Black Friday madness is almost upon us, and brands have started to go into overdrive with the deepest discounts and price slashing. There’s one mantra going around in corporate boardrooms right now. Buy. Buy. BUY. As a consumer, it’s a case of ...

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  • This is our fairest battery yet.

    This is our fairest battery yet.

    Your smartphone is only as good as your battery. And the Fairphone 5’s battery is better than the best. It’s technically on point of course. With a capacity of 4200 mAh and 30W fast charging capabilities, you can juice up your Fairphone faster than ever before. And if you ...

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  • Should you de-Google your Fairphone?

    Should you de-Google your Fairphone?

    Has this ever happened to you? You’re discussing the new Marvel movie that’s coming out soon with a couple of friends. A few days later, you suddenly start seeing ads for movie tickets for opening night, Marvel merch, games, video games and more. Congratulations! Your data’s being monitored.  Is data ...

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  • The Fairphone 5: First Impressions

    The Fairphone 5: First Impressions

    It’s been a few weeks since we unveiled the new Fairphone 5, and we couldn’t be more thrilled with the rousing reception it has received. Media outlets and YouTube influencers across the world have been lauding us for changing the paradigm when it comes to software support, warranty duration, ...

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  • MyFairphone App: Keep your Fairphone future-proof

    MyFairphone App: Keep your Fairphone future-proof

    Back in 2020, we launched the My Fairphone app, giving you direct access to various tools to troubleshoot your device, help from our support team at the tap of a button, discussions with the Fairphone community, and gamified challenges for a more sustainable lifestyle. With the recent launch of ...

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  • Apple thinks modularity hinders device longevity. We don’t.

    Apple thinks modularity hinders device longevity. We don’t.

    In a recent interview, Apple’s new head of hardware, John Ternus, was asked whether it would be conceivable to make iPhones even more modular and make them as easy to repair as a Fairphone.  He politely… but firmly… declined. Ternus went on to say that there were a few challenges making ...

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  • Is the Fairphone 5 the most sustainable phone in the world?

    Is the Fairphone 5 the most sustainable phone in the world?

    After two years of designing and prototyping and endless development meetings, I am immensely proud to finally unveil to the world the brand new Fairphone 5. The team at Fairphone has spent countless hours to bring our latest flagship to life, making it faster, thinner, but more importantly, fairer ...

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