Better Battery Health

7 Tips For A Healthier, Happier Battery

Did you know, one of the leading reasons why people decide to buy a new phone is a dying battery? That adds up, because a battery on its last legs can directly impact the performance of your device. It can slow it down, cause it to freeze up and hang, and die on you at the most inopportune times. One of the most requested products in our webshop is also the battery. Most people pick one up two to three years after buying a phone from us, but some also pick one up as a back-up to use when on-the go. That’s because swapping in a fully charged battery in a Fairphone is super easy. You can literally pop, swap, and go. 

It goes without saying, then, that taking care of your battery’s overall health can help extend its lifespan and help you beat the industry average. The longer you keep your battery going, the less your battery’s carbon footprint, after all. Here are seven ways you can start improving your battery’s lifespan. 

Of course, like all things, even batteries have a shelf life. If you feel your battery’s not performing like it used to when you first got it, it’s time to swap in a new one. Make sure to recycle your old battery with a local recycler. That will go a long way to reduce electronic waste and help make new batteries

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