• Who’s Buying a 2nd Batch Fairphone?

    Who’s Buying a 2nd Batch Fairphone?

    Editor’s Note: As of 31 March, we have closed the survey below. We had a huge number of respondents and comments! Thanks for taking the time to tell us about your Fairphone 2nd batch intentions. For anyone who did not “vote” in time, it’s OK! This was a final indication ...

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  • Production and Distribution Update

    Production and Distribution Update

    Here are the numbers we can share on phone distribution. We’ll be posting updates every working day. We’ll only give updates on how many phones have been shipped. 31 January: Update 24 All first batch phones shipped! Thank you all for the immense patience and support! Bas and Laura at the warehouse ...

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  • "We Are Fairphone" – Kicks Off!

    "We Are Fairphone" – Kicks Off!

    By the time you read this, over one thousand (1,000) of the first Fairphones will be on their way across Europe. What?! How? Well, there was a small chance that a few phones would be delivered just before the Christmas holiday, and we did it! We’re happy to announce a – ...

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  • Production Update: Delivery Timeline

    Production Update: Delivery Timeline

    Introduction Time for a big update, guys! In this blog post, I’ll be outlining what we’ve been up to in-office over the summer directly after our pre-order campaign ended June 14, to where we are now, and into the months ahead before the phone will be delivered to our beloved ...

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  • Community Update – Halfway Point!

    Community Update – Halfway Point!

    It’s Tuesday, May 28, and this is your Community Update! We’ve been thrilled and overwhelmed by the support that you guys have been sending us. Whether you’ve posted words of encouragement on Facebook, shared our campaign video to your friends, or just BOUGHT the phone! I’m so happy to ...

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  • On the way to 10,000 Subscribers!

    On the way to 10,000 Subscribers!

    When I wrote this post last night, our website’s subscriber list stood at 9,367. Sometimes when we get a sudden rise in subscribers it comes as a happy surprise – like this time when I only found out we were over 9,300 from a write-up in the Austrian Der ...

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  • Building our Marketing/Communications Team: Introducing Gabriel

    Building our Marketing/Communications Team: Introducing Gabriel

    For the longest time, I was a proud owner of a Nokia 3310, well into the new millenium. What can I say, Snake II is by far the best mobile phone game ever developed. But as time went by, and my need for connectivity grew past simple messages and ...

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  • Vienna Event: "Twentytwenty" Recap

    Vienna Event: "Twentytwenty" Recap

    As many of you who have been following us here on the blog, or on Facebook and Twitter, you know that FairPhone was recently a part of the TwentyTwenty event “Gadgets: Devices without a Conscience?” in Vienna last Wednesday. As the Community Manager, I was really happy to speak ...

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  • February Events: The Rundown

    February Events: The Rundown

    FairPhone is having a busy February! Our team is spread out across countries and continents, and we want to keep you in the loop. Here’s a rundown of our events: This Wednesday in Vienna, our Community Manager, Joe (me!) will be delivering a presentation on FairPhone along with a few ...

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